STOP Buying this Tech Scam.


The Geoclense and all associated products are a compete scam…This is why.
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Date: June 18, 2024

30 thoughts on “STOP Buying this Tech Scam.

  1. Epstein Barr Virus does not cause Herpes. Herpes is caused by HSV 1 or HSV 2 virus. HSV is Herpes Simplex Virus. Epstein Bar Virus causes Mononucleosis. Once you’ve had mononucleosis, you will always test positive. You can test positive and never have a known case of mononucleosis. HSV can cause anything from fever blisters, apthous ulcers in your mouth, to what people think usually think of when they hear the word Herpes….Ulcers anywhere in the Genital Area, including inside.

  2. I think the marketing of these things begins not with the pitch, but with anxiety. People scour their environment looking for solutions. And some of them find this stuff.

  3. 5:15 OMFG this is the same scam chiropractors and acupressure-ers use!! if that old woman isn't part of the scam, the dude is preying on her ignorance of physics and kinesiology (she isn't dumb, most people don't understand this even after a physics 101, or even 102 class in combination with the intro to kinesiology college course)… in the first instance, he's actually and very slightly using the normal force of skin on skin friction to pull her arm away from her shoulder and press down.. which makes it hard to hold an arm up against the force. The pressing with his other hand is a distraction, might feel good on certain pressure points, might hurt if he presses too hard, but otherwise, useless. Then when he plugs it in (or for chiropractors and acupressure-ers, apply their 'therapy'), he reverses the away direction so he's pushing towards her shoulder, this make it incredibly easier to hold an arm up against the force. It takes an incredible amount of pressure sensitivity to detect this, I was fooled by it until I was practicing chi-sao in wing chun for 4 months to detect this.

  4. The energy card. A metal card was given to my father by his Naturopath (alternative practitioner) to stabilize his energies. When he had cancer. He died. Because Cancer. If you want alternatives that aren't too dumb go to an Anthroposophic clinic. Here, alternatives are combined with conventional medicine, good, healthy food (not the nasty hospital food), and psyche are included in the treatment plan.

  5. Because some people don't want to admit the cause of their headaches and sicknesses might be because they probably have a real health problem like hypertension, high-sugar level, etc that can be fixed by changing their lifestyle. "Nope, it's all because 5G and it's not my fault!"

  6. See the thing is, it's just placebo. If someone believes this will make them feel better, they might actually feel better even without any actual effects, simply because they believe it

  7. I got scammed today by a guy selling a sealed iPhone on marketplace. I’m out £600 with a fake iPhone.
    Could you do a video on things to look for when not buying from a shop. I’m sure this guy is a pro who does it to many people which can only mean he’s stealing THOUSANDS off people.

    I’m so stupid

  8. Great video, as always. These gimmicks remind me of those electronic plug-in pest deterrents. I'm not sure if you had them in the UK or anywhere else but here in NZ and Australia. Basically it claims you plug it in to a power socket and it sends an electromagnetic pulse through the wiring throughout your whole house and it drives away mice, rats and cockroaches. I just did a quick search and they're still for sale. I quote 'The Most Trusted Name In Pest Control Around The World', and 'Scientifically Tested And Consumer Proven For More Than 25 Years'.
    A Domestic Unit (up to 200 sqm) costs NZ $169, the Pro Unit (up to 400 sqm) NZ $310 and The Commercial Unit (no area covered mentioned) NZ $2,070.

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