You’re Cutting Your Sandwich WRONG! | Food Theory


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You’ve been cutting your sandwiches WRONG for years. Forget the diagonal vs horizontal cut. No, try The Duff Cut, a sandwich slice that is supposed to give you the PERFECT bite every time. We know… it’s rather controversial, and people on X, Instagram, and the rest of the Internet have been up in arms about it. Move aside Subway and Jimmy John’s, you’ve got nothing on this sandwich. Trust us, this is BIG.
Writers: Santi Massa, Mike Keenan (The Pokémon Biologist)
Editors: Jerika (NekoOnigiri), Danial “BanditRants” Keristoufi, Shnaia “Naya” Llamera
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
Thumbnail Artist: DasGnomo
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What is the Best Way to Cut a Sandwich? (0:00)
A New Cut? (1:05)
Is the Duff Cut Superior? (4:45)
A Better Way to Cut? (7:06)
#Sandwich #Sandwiches #Lunch #Theory #FoodTheory

Date: June 17, 2024

35 thoughts on “You’re Cutting Your Sandwich WRONG! | Food Theory

  1. Yea, you really should've just spent your time paying attention in class. How is the width 1.25 inches (3:40)? 4.5/2 = 2.25. You're violating equality laws too, the surface area remains the same. Your articulation sucks. This channel has gone downhill. Educate yourself.

  2. Ooh, ham… I mean turkey&cheese sandwiches. My favorite energy source for installing LBT and carpet with Daddyo. if there's anything I got from geometry it the pathag-frickin-theorem.

  3. You need to go re-read your high school geometry. You're wrong, starting with the horizontal (who uses horizontal?? Try vertical) cut. The surface area of that rectangle is not 4.5 x 1.25…it's 4.5 x 2.25. You dropped an inch! The surface area is 10.125 inches. Same as the surface area for the diagonal slice. (PS you don't need the Pythagorean theorem for that. Just multiply the two right-angle sides and divide by two!) Add the halves up and you get 20.25 inches. For the Duff cut, it depends on where you set the intersection–say, in the middle of the bread. The right triangle at the top has an area of 5.06 sg in, and each of the trapezoids has an area of 7.59 sq in. 7.59 + 7.59 + 5.06 = 20.24 (allow for rounding)! SAME SURFACE AREA! What CHANGES is the ratio of surface area to crust. Horizontal cut: 1.125. Diagonal cut: 1.125. The Duff cut comes in at 1.12 (LOWER than the other two). But this goes against everone's thinking…so then, let's forget surface area and look at the ratio between cut edges and crust. Horizontal, cut edge vs. crust ratio: 0.5. Diagonal: 0.71. Duff cut: (right triangle) 1.41; (trapezoids) 0.8. THAT'S our winner. And it has nothing to do with the flagrantly bad math you rolled out for the whole internet to laugh at. This isn't even a case where I disagreed, or was disappointed by your video (like how you butchered the Moana theory: that movie is equally Maui's coming of age, as the rejected child, as it is Moana's)–this one's just incorrect. I sort of knew what you were driving at, but it wasn't clear, and you crashed into a ditch.

  4. I dont think you could pay me to put this much effort into what's meant to be the quickest and easiest meal 😅
    The bias cut alone sounds like it would never work with a sandwich of ingredients of different consistencies, often greased up with mayo or something, everything would slide out of place as you tried to cut it with no help from direct pressure, just a sawing motion

  5. Have literally never heard of nor seen a horizontal sandwich cut, it was always vertically or diagonally where I'm from. However, I don't cut sandwiches. I eat the crust then make my way around the center in a way to minimize my fillings falling out.

  6. This video is misleading.

    The graphics and wording imply that your calculations show an increase in the area of the FACE of the sandwich depending on how you cut the sandwich, when you’re actually only referring to the area along the "desirable edge" of the sandwich.

    Nearly every graphic shown when referring to an 'area' shows the incorrect area in question.

    This is misleading the audience to think that a different cut can increase the overall amount of sandwich you get – “getting more sandwich out of your sandwich”. But it is physically impossible to gain more total sandwich simply by doing a certain cut.

    At 4:12 you mention the increase in surface area and in the amount of sandwich edge without crust. But the crust-less sandwich edge IS the surface area you just calculated. You’re implying there’s 2 separate benefits when there’s really just one. This happens again at 8:18.

    5:12 the only reason there is less absolute crust per piece is because there are now 3 pieces rather than 2. But I’ll presume what you meant was that the ratio of crust to inside edge (crust-less edge) is lower. You’ve mentioned this ratio earlier in the video, but never directly calculated it. So, I took the liberty of doing it myself (shown as percentages): For the horizontal slice the inside edge makes up 33.33% of the total edge, the diagonal slice is 41.41% inside edge, and the Duff cut gives 58.56% for the triangular piece, 44.58% for each trapezoidal piece, or 48.89% if you eat the whole thing.

    Side note: 2:00 you claim that the data shows diagonal is the preferred method. But the same image actually shows that the majority have no preference between horizontal or diagonal.

    Minor side note: inches and square inches are also conflated a few times in the script.

    I’m actually a big fan of the channel and I’m just trying to help here 🙂

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