Your brain still works after death



#Science #Research #neuroscience

Date: June 18, 2024

48 thoughts on “Your brain still works after death

  1. It's probably because the brain needs to upload the game data to cloud
    Edit: If it would be true, that heaven exists, uploading data to cloud would be meant literally 😮

  2. Funny cause here it says brain functions for 10 minutes without blood or oxygen, and yet my uncle's brain is dead bcz he had a heart attack and the brain had a 2 second no oxygen moment 😐

  3. Isn't it amazing how our Lord, our Heavenly Father made us fearfully and wonderfully, He is the creator of everything, and nothing happens by accident, as well as with our body! Accept Jesus as your Savior, and "you" will stop wondering about what is happening when we die, I pray that His grace and mercy be upon us all, in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏

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