
Date: June 19, 2024


  1. To the few people that are misunderstanding… Of course you should try your best at school, however if you get bad grades like me, you shouldn’t let it define you and your future. MT 👊

  2. I never went to college. Worked lots of different jobs . And learned that investing is the way out. Bought my first apartment rental and lived in one of the units and never looked back this was in 2013. There is a reason real estate has made more millionaires then anything else . People will always need a place to live . I was lucky enough to live with my parents save my money and invest in properties. He is right it don’t matter were you have been it matters were you are going . Your past don’t determine your future.

  3. Your path DOES define your future, with a very high statistical probability. This is a very well researched topic. His videos are good but his whole anti-degree, anti-education and anti-learning stance is just a personal issue he has because he hasn’t finished school. He’s then 0,0001% who ends up this way, don’t rely on it. Study what you find interesting and you’ll find a good and well paid job.

  4. ….. now I am multimillionaire and use my youtube shorts to spread the word! … also to gain them $$$$ from subs, views, ads etc … who wanna bet they aint going for Humanitarian Aid 😂😂😂

  5. As a teacher, I never tell my students that grades are eveything. I see talents and skills in all my kids, and some if them just dont shine in a classroom, but its obvious that they will still succeed in life

  6. I got no gcscs but soon ill be hopefully joining the network rail, laying tracks ect, its really good money 🤷‍♂️ you dont need gscs to be a plumber, electrician, brick layer, construction, you dont need any gcsc to do these jobs but they pay high but you need gcsc to work in McDonald's or other fast food places that pay minimum wage 🤷‍♂️

  7. Take this as an inspiration to work hard not to drop out of school. Dropping out of school does not make you rich but working hard towards your goals make you successful

  8. Good point , we had to go to prestige schools from primary to secondary school then the exams nonsense . As you mention here most of the truly successful ones were self employed ❤️

  9. The opposite can also be true. I got great grades, was valedictorian, and got into a good college. But it burned me out and I ended up dropping out.

  10. yes you don’t need any qualifications,but change the title,the reason you are able to speak,do some things properly are due to school,I’m not saying this because I love school,Ngl I loathe it.

  11. He forgot to mention the part where he grew up in a society that was not completely rigged against him, that did not have endless barriers to success built into the system to ensure that he cannot get rich. Idk his whole story, but I can guarantee that the laws alone would make his story physically impossible in the West today for any Millennial or Gen Z.

  12. So if school doesn’t matter right? Those doctors that save ur life rely on school to become who they are. Still not convinced? You know those tech people who go to school and are taught to make computers, Phones, Video games, Etc. still not convinced? Those scientist that can make a machine that can’t change the course of an asteroid from hitting earth saving humanity, Those people went to school. Know those mathematical formulas??? They literally are used in factory’s, Mines, Stores, Hospitals. Think about that.

  13. Everything in this society is still old. Like, man we are in 2024 we have vr , AI . Still no improvement just 8 hours of hell with useless information that never gave knowledge… Test does not prove the students knowledge about the subject it just test the students will to live…

  14. What he is trying to say is not everyone should follow his path and quit school because they will end up in the same way. Because maybe for him school didn t helped him a lot but for others , that's the necessary key in their success. Everyone has their own path, you just need to be quiet and listen to your instincts all the time. As an example, I moved from Romania in UK with almost nothing, had only 200£ when i arrived here. I worked my ass off but it was too slow and hard. I never appreciated the fact that i finished school, never actually helped me in anything. Then here, i decided to go for UNI one day. Now, because I managed to get my diploma and studied, I've moved from a 30k £ annual salary to 85k £ thanks to my Uni. Now i can really start invest and save money. Stay humble out there, it will come to you one day for sure.

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