Why Education in Singapore Works


AFT President Randi Weingarten travels to Singapore to learn from their successful educational system.

Date: June 18, 2024

47 thoughts on “Why Education in Singapore Works

  1. What a load of garbage. This female insisting that their is no pressure for testing when the entire education system in singapore is based entirely around tests and exams. and kids get put in very different schools based on the tests they write in the first years of their school life. If they struggle they have an additional 6 hours of cram school ahead of them and the average kid will stay up until late in the night to prepare for tests. and then this clown walks into the class room and is like. Where test, i see no test. so clearly nobody ever writes a test here. kids seem joyful in front of the camera so they surely dont have any pressure to get good grades. What she took away from this whole experience is that TESTS BAD. When its the complete opposite. the factually best education system on the planet is simultaneously the one that relies the most on testing and kids have tests non step and are under immense pressure. so if she wants to replicate that environment in her home country then double the school hours and quadruple the amount of tests kids write. (even if people will dislike it of course)

  2. I works due to splitting stream. Not necessarily a bad/good thing, depends on how you look at it. Singapore follows a meritocracy system where students with better abilities are valued more than students with weaker abilities (which is normal in Asia, after all).
    I'm a Singaporean, feel that Finland's system is much better. However, the education system should be adapted based on the local situation. e.g. China's stressful education system would not work well in the UK, UK's slower paced system would make Chinese students not have the will to learn more (as in Chinese education system they are kind of "forced" to learn to "have a good future").


  4. These comparisons are relative. Some education systems give the students the same assignment over and over until they are perfect at it…therefore, always 100% scores.

  5. It works, only up to a point. Unlike Taiwan which leads the world in semiconductors, electronics and is home to the ubiquitous Acer brand, Sg seems to have only total dominance in Singlish

  6. Lot of stress for which result? Do they have a better life than us in France at the end? I had a fabulous childhood, my teenager years were so cool, and my adult life has good work / private life balance

  7. Singaporean here. My cousin queued for what many perceive as a top kindergarten in Singapore from the moment she found out she was pregnant. My sister in law signed her kids up for Mandarin tuition for a famed Mandarin tutor from when they were 3 because by the time the kids are 7, it would be impossible to get a slot with her. But those are their choices. I chose to put my kids in kindergartens that didn’t need queueing up, but where I perceived the kids enjoyed learning. My youngest was placed in MOE Kindergarten which is surprisingly good & learned to be very independent and creative as a thinker. What they learned there is very different from the kindergartens his older brothers attended which were fun but yet more academically driven.

    For Primary school, my experiences with the so-called top schools were bad. I felt the neighbourhood schools were more focused on student welfare and the teachers were more passionate about educating the kids. The top schools were more focused on their reputation and their ego & kids fell through the gap. Although we no longer rank schools, the culture persists. Independent sites rank them and parents still pick schools with this misguided notion that a top school is better, that neighbourhood school kids are lesser than a kid from a top school. Well, I beg to differ and will share why. Plus money and better grades does not make you a better person.

    My kids were bullied in top schools mainly because they are good natured and kind. Two of them went through school changes for that reason.

    Eldest was in a neighbourhood school nearby and was one of their top pupils. Another girl and him were the first kids in the school to be streamed to the gifted stream. He had to switch schools as a result and he chose a renown all boys school coz my dad attended it in his childhood and he is v close to my dad. Sadly, he was bullied so badly & within half a year he would lie catatonic in bed and refuse to go to school. He grew disinterested in school and life. He was an introvert who kept the cards close to his chest so he did not complain & told us nothing. God is good and a kind & concerned parent of his classmate reached out to tell me how the teacher gave him a debilitating nickname (Baby J) as he was small and cute… which caused the kids to bully him as a herd from day 1. There were many instances of bullying. He was suicidal and depressed at age 10 and we made the decision to pull the plug on his journey in the gifted education stream & placed him back in the neighbourhood school in the regular stream. It wasn’t that he couldn’t cope academically… he enjoyed that… but socially and emotionally he had been broken. We told him he is smart but not because the ministry of education said so. He is smart because God blessed him with a good mind. So we told the govt we wanted to take him out and it took a meeting with the officials, psychologist from. the ministry, the school principal and head of department for it to happen. It took intensive counselling and he healed up but I can see how it has made him angrier than before.

    My eldest did well and got into a good secondary school here which was part of a full school (has both primary and secondary school). My friends said the principal then was good. It is a full school (has both primary and secondary school) so we placed our younger son in it so the two older boys could be together. But the principal changed & with it, the culture changed.

    The parents of the kids in his class were really nice, but their kids were (sadly) spoilt and mean. We wasted no time once we felt our spider senses tingle and took our middle child out in Primary 2 and placed him in a neighbour school that many perceive to be lousy. But that I explored since our youngest’ kindergarten was located in it, and it was a surprise!

    The enrolment for this school was so poor because of public assumption. That meant the classroom size is small. Plus, it turned out that they have an excellent principal and teachers.

    The school care so deeply for their kids, the students are super happy learners and kind, class sizes are small & they teach growth mindset lessons. We placed him there because the neighbourhood school near us (that his elder brother was from) was full since we switched him mid way. It was a blessing. He is dyslexic and the school Teachers here patiently help him and they placed him in a pilot class for students struggling with Mandarin- which both of the other schools didn’t have. His confidence in the language is better. He still isn’t great at it but he doesn’t hate the subject anymore. The school he was in formerly was a SAP school which focused a lot on Mandarin.

    The youngest is now in the neighbourhood school the eldest was from which is a short walk away. He wanted to be with my middle child but we decided because they would only be in the same school for 3 years, it was better to place the youngest in the nearer school so that when he started attending extracurricular classes in upper primary, he would be able to come home faster and rest more. Again we were blessed coz the school identified he has issues with attention (although he can understand his lessons, he fidgets a lot) & placed him in a pilot scheme: a classroom setting where initially specialised teachers coached him in skills to communicate and focus better for two subjects, then blended him back into the main class later on in the year. He is a happy learner and is enjoying school a lot.

    I look back at my own education which was in one of the top all girls school here (miserable too) & at my kids’ education journey, and I can say for certain that the neighbourhood schools have given my children a more balanced and happy education. When kids are happy, they do better. Top schools and gifted education do not always mean your kids do better. Better to equip and care for them emotionally first and nurture better EQ, then build on that educationally. That way they have a better ability to cope as it gets harder and creative play helps them think out of the box & come at education with more passion and less one track mind thinking.

  8. It works but the amount of stress is a lot. Furthermore these kids literally is 70% work & 30% free time, which seems awful to me.

    Your youth won't forever be there, once it passes it's gone. I do hope they go for 50/50 ratio but since Singapore is a country with no natural resources and have to heavily rely on Human Resources, I guess there's no other way around but to hone them to corporate workers or factory workers.

  9. A lot of countries out perform us because that are racially homogeneous. Those are the main issues that I've seen as a teacher. You have racist teachers, admins, or students. Now you have to continually stop class to deal with it, people suspended and fall behind. Not to mention way more people homeschool here. (USA)

  10. It's easy to recognize that this school system based on a non human style.

    We are made different, but all children are waring same cloths.! are all kids with the same taste ?.
    It's like military, not like school system.

    Why children should stand when the American visitors come to class ?.



  13. I’m Singaporean, ask me anything. I’ve been thinking about getting the hell out of this country ever since i was 13(Secondary 1) and now i’m 14(15 this year). Singapore’s education system is just plain terrible, you fail one piece of exam paper and your life is in shambles, you’re not allowed to speak out, not allowed to be creative, not allowed to talk to your friends, forced to wear uncomfortable uniforms provided by the school, forced to wake up early in the morning and sit through about 6 hours of pointless teaching and psychological torture. MOE doesn’t care about the average Singaporean’s mental and physical health, they only pick out the best of the best students that constantly score the highest and leave out the less educated students for “not working hard enough” and leaving them to rot and die in the name of having more educated and “smart” people alive and working in this country to use them for interviews to get a better reputation for the education system. This is a place that creates human machines, not allowed to speak up or complain about it, anyone who does will be deemed as “whiners” and quickly ignored. I want to leave this horrible place, i’m sick of being treated like a robot, all of us are just expandables, being replaced with someone else that is smarter and educated, a cog in the machine to be removed at will and replaced with a better one. I’m tired of waking up very early in the morning only to sit through endless hours of mental torture. I’m tired of being told what to do as if i’m a dog or a robot. I’m tired of having endless hours of tuition, Academics support and CCAs, these 3 things that most of us have are just things that waste our time, most CCAs are until 6 which would result in the students being released a lot later and doing their homework overnight, it’s not healthy, same could be said with tuition and academics support and MOE never fund our schools, most if not all schools are straight up dirty and we are forced to be dependent on very old cleaners that don’t even get good pay check while they’re forced to do all the hard work in cleaning the disgusting schools in this country. Here in Singapore, we are treated like prisoners, forced to be told what to do if not you’ll get punished horribly, not allowed to speak up otherwise you would be punished as well and be deemed as whiners and forced to study 24/7 just so that we can survive. Us Singaporeans don’t study to strive for knowledge, we study so that we are able to survive in this system that’s how bad it really is for most Singaporeans, academics and studies placed as a priority than everything else, not even the students’ mental and physical health, fail one piece of paper and your dead, say goodbye to your career and life. I just want to be treated like a normal human being, not a dog or a robot. I don’t want to be judged based on my academics and results. I want to have the time and freedom to do what i am interested in doing, not studying 24/7 to live long enough only for me to get rejected from a job interview or getting extremely depressed because of this lifestyle and dying slowly of poverty or because of a rotting mental health or even killing myself. I want to leave this horrible place but i’m too young to do so, i will never achieve what i want to do in my life if i am forced to keep this kind of lifestyle up or even ever getting out of here. Thanks MOE for giving me and many other Singaporeans such a great and wonderful life, i hope all of you MOE workers burn in hell for the things you have done to us, i’m glad that Lee Kuan Yew is dead, fuck him and fuck Lee Hsien Long. I was lied to about the “good things” that Singapore has done. I can’t believe i was brainwashed into being a patriotic Singaporean at one time. Singapore has done nothing but make us even sadder people, a perfect place for making human machines and well, we can’t speak up about this problem. No one in the outside world will ever know what us Singaporeans are going through.

  14. Weingarten is as selective as she wants to be. The woman is simply full of prunes. The Singapore education method constantly tests students to see what they got from reading, after hours cram school, homework, demonstrations, and classroom explanations. How on Earth could Weingarten have missed something so obviously clear? Selectivity again. I must give it to her, she is right up there with all the right-sounding words and jargon. Back in the US Weingarten and her union would go any length to further dumb down US education so more students can graduate with diplomas worth garbage. Then the teacher union can declare victory.

    Singaporean teachers are screened in a way US teachers never are. Then Singaporean teachers get trained to teach in ways US teachers never know.

    In the US nearly anyone with a pulse can go to teachers' college. At teachers' colleges and at universities' departments of Education future teachers get taught faddish methods of conveying content, while content is an after thought.

    And none of the various states spend 20% of their budgets on education. Twenty percent–did I hear that right?

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