Which Majors Have the Happiest Students?


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Date: June 19, 2024

44 thoughts on “Which Majors Have the Happiest Students?

  1. Art students spend a lot of late nights crying in panic and despair because their work is due the next day. Multiple classes with multiple assignments for each. Sometimes oversized paintings, sometimes intricate works, ones that involve a portfolio to explain them, big charcoal drawings, etc. do your research bruh. Having lived with an art major it is not for the weak.

  2. Listen I don’t know about you. But after taking a art class in CC. I smell cap on fine art students not having homework. Yeah you probably have to paint or sketch. But if you’re the shittiest drawer in the world or have no attention to detail. That sketch would be just as bad as a 10 page paper, or your algebra homework. I’ve spent 3 hours having to repaint my painting because it was the wrong shade of blue. Also it ain’t Microsoft paint where you can copy a specific color. You gotta manually mix colors till you get the shade you want.

  3. Music performance majors stressing about their upcoming recitals, auditions, and trying to get a job post graduation, all well keeping up with their ensembles, and their theory, history, ear training, and electives

  4. Those 10 like blanket cover 70% of majors tho, so thats not really a great comparison. Humanities is a shit ton of things. Engineering is a shit ton of things. Math is technically apart of the natural sciences, and the natural sciences are a shit ton of things. This list of 10 is basically a list of like 30. To hold any meaning it needs slighlty more subdivision.

  5. I do think that the depth and extent of your relationships decides whether or not you'll have a happy college experience.

    You can be a pre-med or engineering major, or a law student, and still be happy when you're not couped up in your dorm room studying for several hours a day and having ramen for dinner every night.

    I've met busy pre-med biochemistry majors who do both sports and ROTC, and they're pretty happy. Stressed more often than a typical philosophy major, but you'd still find them drinking on a Saturday with their rotc buddies and going on a study dinner out with chemistry lab partners.

  6. bro engineering is prob bc some of those idiots only have half a brain bc they only know maths but don't know how to properly respect a god damn woman and then they just use them and then you feel like crap and u cry urseld to sleep every night while they are doing their homework happy asf byt stressed.
    sorry as u can tell an engineer major did me dirty..

  7. Art majors do indeed cry over homework. A 20 hour minimum project for every class due within a week of each other at the end of the semester that is worth 20% or more of your grade that is completely subjective in grading will do that to a person

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