What is Value Education | value education meaning | Universal human values and professional ethics


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Program to fulfil basic human aspirations : (Right understanding, Relationship, Physical facilities): https://youtu.be/0klrpTeGdVc
Understanding the state of SVDD, SSDD, SSSS : https://youtu.be/Kt8ZiUbWqNA
Professional Ethics, Competence in professional ethics : https://youtu.be/YWM6S8_LzAI
Issues in Professional Ethics : https://youtu.be/0CckgPuE9Z8
Definitiveness of ethical human conduct : https://youtu.be/Q5tKghrirP4
Comprehensive Human Goals : https://youtu.be/TlRMEaFyQAE
Four Order of Nature, Interconnections and Mutual fulfillment: https://youtu.be/v2zbEdYx3Bk
Natural Characteristics of Four orders of nature :https://youtu.be/dAu3Lr27FeQ
Universal Human Value and Professional Ethics Syllabus: https://youtu.be/PrCHBLA1cCM
What is Value Education : https://youtu.be/HLp5GzkDRvU
Need for Value Education : https://youtu.be/QFHOtH54oUc
5 Basic Guidelines for Value education : https://youtu.be/6eAxiQy8phc
Scope / Content of Value Education : https://youtu.be/zCO3LGtTpZo
Natural Acceptance (Meaning and Characteristics): https://youtu.be/wsHM9EH-1DQ
Self Exploration (Meaning, Purpose, Content, Process): https://youtu.be/266BKAHHRu0
Need of Self and Body : https://youtu.be/_NRTedWDrfA
Understanding the Values in Human Relationship (Justice and 9 Values): https://youtu.be/fYbLzYUdo68
Understanding needs of self and Body : https://youtu.be/d1YoCFH05mQ
Human and animal consciousness : https://youtu.be/d1YoCFH05mQ
Harmony in the Body (Understanding Sanayama and Svasthya) :

Understanding Human being as Co Existence of Self and Body : https://youtu.be/3lfC1-OTi50
Short note on Love: https://youtu.be/WIODCpkRxm8
Space (Shunya): https://youtu.be/73SqJ3atOIo
Swatantra and Partantra : https://youtu.be/pYc-bdYfQ4s

Human Values Playlist (Lectures + MCQ): UHVPE | Universal Human Value: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsh2FvSr3n7doww8dqQ9YIL2G66tWZQz3

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#HumanValue #ValueEducation

Reference : A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics By R R Gauyr R Sangal G P Bagaria (Excel Books)

Date: July 1, 2024

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