Walmart Therapy Will Change Your Life. Lucas Bohn – Full Special


Walmart therapy will change your life, or at least it changed Lucas Bohns life in his second full Dry Bar Comedy special. In this hilarious new Dry Bar Comedy special Lucas Bohn talks about his transition from full time school teacher to full time stand up comedian. Packed with hilarious slide show representations of his comedy career, this full comedy special from Lucas Bohn is sure to have you laughing from beginning to end.

If you enjoyed this full comedy special from Lucas Bohn, be sure to check out the links below for even more Dry Bar Comedians you might enjoy!

Watch Lucas Bohn’s first Dry Bar Comedy special

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Date: June 18, 2024

47 thoughts on “Walmart Therapy Will Change Your Life. Lucas Bohn – Full Special

  1. I stopped listening after the Obama care slur. If it weren't for Obama care, my beautiful daughter would be dead from a very aggressive brain tumor. She graduated with a 3.9 GPA from college and was going into teaching when the symptoms overtook her. No job or insurance, so no way to get the help she needed. I was in a low paying job due to bad health (had to take a job that would accept frequent doctor visits), so couldn't help. I really resented his inference that came through loud and clear, that only freeloaders use Obama care. That is unbelievably ignorant and insulting! Thank God for Obamacare!

  2. Conjunction junction was on when you watched cartoons. Free to be You and Me was a film they always showed in school. It was like the precursor to diversity training/sex ed.

  3. Have you ever wondered?…Why do multiple pet dogs mean you just love dogs, while multiple pet cats means you are mentally unstable? If anything, the constant barking of 3 dogs would be much more liable to drive one nuts.

  4. "Conjunction Junction" and MANY OTHER Schoolhouse Rock videos were watched by my Millennial/Gen X children because I HOMESCHOOLED them. My youngest daughter can still sing back all of the grammar songs. When she did attend her senior at our local high school, her classmates just looked at her as she quietly hummed or sang the songs during tests. 😂❤

    With the loud movie projectors that would melt the film if the movie stopped.
    DUNK AND COVER was code for the teacher having a hard day
    Under his or her desk, it was really DRUNK and cover!

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