The Problem With American Education


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Americans from across the political spectrum tend to agree that our education system is failing our students. In this episode we’ll take a look at three of the biggest problems the system faces, and consider some possible solutions.

Music by Sam Kužel –

Citations and Further Reading:

Prison/School Architecture

US academic achievement compared

Teacher turnover

History of public education in the US

Public funding for private schools

The Problem With American Education – Second Thought

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Date: June 18, 2024

45 thoughts on “The Problem With American Education

  1. Hey friends! I hope you all enjoy this week's video. Not sure what's going on with the comments section. It keeps getting disabled, despite me using the same upload default (all comments allowed) as always. YouTube up to their usual nonsense 😒 Anyway, if you're looking for ways to help support the channel, please consider checking out CuriosityStream! It's a great streaming service and you'll also get free access to Nebula.

  2. I enjoyed my days in highschool and at university. I especially loved the library, the intellectual discourses, and listening to professors who enjoy conducting engaging lectures and encouraging us to think critically.

  3. Asians like Chinese or korean are performing much better than average Americans even if they studied in worse environments
    So your analysis is wrong you guys need more discipline

  4. Schools were built based on Authoritarian Monarch's standards, so aint suprised that da admin not only abuse power but covers it up with detentions and manipulation of the students meanwhile they often avoid accountability

  5. It is Soooo very obvious that this youtuber has had 0 experience as an adult in the classroom today.

    Nor has he had a job.

    Discipline and arriving on time to work are not evil traits to have!!! Yet this guy keeps pushing they are.

    Hey bozo. The reason why teachers are quitting is because the students lack discipline. There are kmly a billion videos on YouTube about it.

    But you chose to ignore researching them because you are a Marxist.

  6. Great video, I know its a highly complex issue, but the points you bring up provide a different perspective especially when addressing how the government is quick to assume private industry are better, which is the wrong answer, as they should seek to improve on what's wrong with the current systems rather than just choosing to take the L and letting private companies commit violations because of profits, great video and I appreciate the inclusion of your sources. Subscription earned.

  7. I agree but why did you call Jesus a communist in 7:17? He’s not, he didn’t say to distribute wealth to the poor like communism says, he said to get rid of it. Getting rid of and distributing is very different. He wasn’t a communist.

  8. This man is off in SO many ways. First, not a dime of federal money is used for "vouchers" – it's illegal. Second, school choice programs take no more than a portion of state/locally allocated funds, so MORE $$$ per student is left. Third, the US does NOT underspend on education – we rank #2 in the world in per pupil spending after Norway. I can go on and on, but this dude is an idiot.

  9. As an autistic 7th grader who also has ADHD(13f) the school system has failed me multiple times to the point where I have considered killing myself. I think that people should be able to get more time to themselves

  10. Honestly i feel like even if someone decided to run with the promise to fix this and other issues in America they wouldn't win because people dont want change even if its good and for the best

  11. הדרדרות בהסכלה. ככה זה במעצמת על. ככה זה בארצות הברית. אימא שלי בילתה בצרפת ובספרד ולא קרה לה כלום.

  12. Something a lot of people like to seem to ignore is a fact that today both parents must work full time jobs just to get by. They don't have the time to spend with their kids and work on their education. I wouldn't be surprised if we noticed. The decline of the post education system coincided with the need of both parents to have full time jobs. Teaching children is a group effort. The school picks up and then the parents pick up wherether school leaves off. That is impossible today.

  13. Teachers can't teach as students are disruptive and boys are often claiming transgender to get in girls restrooms and parents are voters for school boards. Low pay and no support held responsible for standard tests when most education must be WOKE, LGBQT, etc related,. All public school teachers should quit and let the elected board try to teach while private schools and home schooling actually produce great educated students.

  14. I'm a tutor in elementary school. I see how there is a lot of gatekeeping.

    It's not that hard, pass the white kids. Put marks on the other.
    Another front of systemic racism and discrimination

  15. I'm a 15 year old Puerto Rican male and I have to say there are also vast differences even on the island from the mainland, in PR, there are school uniforms and also in the us, kids wear pajama pants, absolutely unbelievable

  16. Our schools don’t teach critical thinking and they keep trying to teach all the students should go to college when we know that not everyone is not equipped for college. Our education system is failing because they don’t realize that. That is why we should them to trade skills, then they would give them a better start in life.

  17. Cults, the history of cults across the globe.
    And thats the decline of america.
    Free market, get trump get the poor disenfrancised in power.
    Science is power.
    Asia will replace you.

  18. The problem is that the US government is pressuring on children and are treating 12-17 year olds like young children. However, they expect them to act mature which creates a conflict. Also, classrooms are too big and I can't handle more than 15 kids. Also, I'm on more of the academically higher side but I had to stay in the same class as this 12 yo who had the maturity of a 7 yo. I think grades should be based on physical development although this is harder to determine.

  19. Education starts at home, with your parents. Your parents teach you its important to have good grades and have a good work ethic.
    The morality of the typical family in the u.s has degraded severely imo. You could have the best school and education system in the world. But if you dont have a solid family foundation…. the kids dont give a shit these days. For the most part i blame the parents.

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