The Most Beautiful Places in China 🇨🇳✨🤩 #china #travel #explore #nature #adventure


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#china #travel #explore #nature #adventure #shorts

Date: June 19, 2024

38 thoughts on “The Most Beautiful Places in China 🇨🇳✨🤩 #china #travel #explore #nature #adventure

  1. 欢迎全世界爱好旅游爱好和平的博主前来中国旅游,


    Welcome bloggers from all over the world who love tourism and peace to come to China for tourism,

    China has granted visa exemptions for 144 hours to 54 countries worldwide.

  2. hey guys, as a Chongqing resident, you are very welcome to travel to my hometown. I can be your personal guide and solve all your problems on the way. I will take you to see the best scenery, feel the most distinctive culture and eat the best food

  3. Negara dan bangsa yg besar dengan budaya dan kemajuan yang besar pula. Aku sungguh sangat mengagumi bangsa ini. Hormatku buat mereka,semoga bangsa ini bisa membawa banyak kebaikan bagi dunia.

  4. Do you want to travel to China, but worry do not know where to go, and the language is not clear, do not worry that I am a person who has lived in Zhuhai for five years, if you want to travel to Zhuhai, I can take you to see any beautiful scenic spots, there are fun and delicious places and food, so please contact me!

  5. BBC/ABC/VOA/CNN: they are funded by China. Fake video. China is bad, USA is NO. 1 forever. All Chinese products threat USA's security. Come to USA, not go to China. Trust USA dream forever.

  6. 我是来自中国的一名大学生,中国很多美景正如视频里呈现的我就不过多阐述,但是其实我觉得中国更让我喜欢的是我们的人民真的很热爱和平,也很热爱生活。我们并不是像很多人以为的那样到处脏乱差,混乱不堪,我们的环境从大城市到小乡镇都是很不错的。如果有机会真的可以来中国旅游,去亲眼见识感受一下中国的人文风情,和秀山丽水。如果你能有机会来中国游玩,我愿意当你们的向导。如果你真的十分害怕中国是一个处处危机四伏的地方,来之前可以去看一下一些国外友人的旅游视频。我真心的为我的国家感到自豪,也希望能够有更多的朋友,能够真正认识了解到我的国家,而不只是片面的抹黑,我爱中国,也爱这个地球

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