The Gospel of Luke | Full Movie


LUMO: The Gospel of Luke. A complete retelling of the story of Jesus, told by one of his closest friends. The Gospel of Luke is one of the four LUMO movies that retell the first four Bible books of the New Testament, using only the Biblical text as a script!

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The Gospel of Mark ►
The Gospel of John ►

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The Gospel of Luke – Chapter Time Codes:
0:00 – Luke 1
13:06 – Luke 2
21:24 – Luke 3
27:40 – Luke 4
35:27 – Luke 5
43:54 – Luke 6
53:22 – Luke 7
1:02:52 – Luke 8
1:14:56 – Luke 9
1:26:49 – Luke 10
1:34:40 – Luke 11
1:44:10 – Luke 12
1:53:32 – Luke 13
2:00:12 – Luke 14
2:06:05 – Luke 15
2:11:42 – Luke 16
2:17:15 – Luke 17
2:23:21 – Luke 18
2:30:15 – Luke 19
2:37:29 – Luke 20
2:44:48 – Luke 21
2:50:46 – Luke 22
3:02:31 – Luke 23
3:12:33 – Luke 24

#Gospel #Jesus #hope #meaningoflife #christmas #goodfriday #easter #Movie #doubt #goodperson #Healing #Peace #Connection #Freedom #Identity #thebible #bible #visualbible #biblemovies #fullmovies #bibleproject #biblereadingaudio#god #jesus #JesusChrist #Christianity #Christianityhistory

Date: June 19, 2024

41 thoughts on “The Gospel of Luke | Full Movie

  1. Let me Jesus christ give helper spirit of truth explain who are the 3 administrators of mystery Babylon the great city has provinces of Babylon has 3 men appear before Abraham knelt down worship 3 men of province of Babylon so the king of Babylon appointed 3 men the 3 wise men the 3 magi. Now tne 4th man nas appearance son of Gods so King of Babylon said prophet Daniel has divine spirit so apostle Paul said unpardonable sin so son Of man sows good seed so Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth said nobody can enter kingdom of God is marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so nobody can enter kingdom of God except thru born of water and born of holy spirit so sheep 🐑 is greatest in kingdom of God is voice of wilderness so sheep 🐑 Roman catholic Church Vatican city Rome pope Francis spirit is sheep 🐑 refused to believe wolves in sheep clothing peddle lies and practice false hoods so sheep 🐑 is voice of wilderness hears voice of lamb Jesus christ gives helper spirit of truth and recognition my voice.

    There are 5 of us.
    Snake 🐍 is wise and dove 🕊 is innocent and sheep 🐑 is voice of wilderness and lion 🦁 looked into scroll has 7 seals so lamb is me Sebastian yap spirit is word of Jesus christ took scroll has 7 seals from the one seated on throne so I shall be his God and he shall be my son so there are five of us so apocalypse has 4 horseman of apocalypse so lamb open 1st seal of revelations outcomes lion 🦁 of Judah rider of white horse given bow crown to conquer all babies in name of father to sit on father throne is God throne ark of covenant tabernacle has 7 lampstands represented 7 fold spirits so 7 thunders shouted so there are 12 of us and there is son of perdition Judas Iscariot so there are 13 illumanti members

  2. My dad was an ex Catholic who raised me educationalist, as I began by reading scholar H Smith and his description of world religions, and the Chinese Dao Tao. And the film about Gandhi, the law degreed interfaith Christian Hindu. I see people in idolatry of Jesus, as if learning as in Matt 9, and doing good and shining your light in Matt 5 and seeing the vine to the monk T Aquinas at the U of Paris and thru to Civil Rights democracy, social movements, and FDR's UN human rights etc. Jesus was not a useless supremacist nihilist.

    MATTHEW 16/27.. AMEN

  4. We bow deep down to our Lord in tears with the utmost repentance and gratitude for this wonderfull miraculous sign here on YouTube, may he help, bless, cherish ,guide, sustain , and answer all our prayers by his eternal omnipresent and benevolent allknowing perfect grace.

  5. In this video, the one who is acting as Jesus while pointing at a man in a door way, saying trust him who can destroy both body & soul. Why would he be pointing at the man in the door way saying that? Only God Almighty who is a spirit & who man never saw can destroy both body & soul..

  6. Yesterday I was deperate. My retirement money had been cut off two months ago and all my efforts to have restored were not working. I owed 1200 usd in bills and was almost out of food. I remembered a Pastor saying, "worrying is not trusting in your faith". So I said a prayer asking God for help. This morning the money had been released. Praise God and feed your faith daily. The Holy Spirit is with you to guide you and provide all you need for a full life.

  7. Thanks be to God , for Jesus thankyou lord that you died and rose again for me, i was and am a sinner that you chose to save, and i wasn't worthy of saving, but you saved me by your grace. I thankyou and worship you all the days of my life, Amen.

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