The Gospel of John | Full Movie | Christopher Plummer | Henry Ian Cusick | Stuart Bunce


The Gospel of John | Full Movie | Christopher Plummer | Henry Ian Cusick | Stuart Bunce

This is a fresh release of the Gospel of John: The Visual Bible and is a word-for-word masterpiece depicting all the drama of Christ’s life—from his powerful teachings and miracle-filled ministry to his death and resurrection.

Director: Phillip Saville
Cast: Christopher Plummer, Henry Ian Cusick, Stuart Bunce

Other recommended movies to watch on our Christian Movies YouTube Channel.
Power of the Air –
A Dave Christiano Film

Date: June 18, 2024

48 thoughts on “The Gospel of John | Full Movie | Christopher Plummer | Henry Ian Cusick | Stuart Bunce

  1. judas betrayed jesus with a kiss that is incorrect and it was a guard that got his ear cut off satan has influenced this director to lie about the story the kjv bible is the closest to the hebrew bible and should be used for reasons like this this lie is extremely offensive liars directed this movie

  2. I quite like this film but I'm not a huge fan of some of the translation – some very awkward wording, especially in John 1 – to change "in the beginning was the word" seems crazy

  3. I lost my wife to cancer after 22 years of marriage. She was the closest thing to perfect. She was my best friend, confidant and the only person I could've counted to have my back no matter what. This song really brings tears to my eyes and made me ask the same question" What is love, if it's not guaranteed? What is love if she's not here with me?' Now I realize that love and life are just beautiful vacations that need to be enjoyed as they're never guaranteed to last forever. I won't forget the last thing she said to me before losing consciousness " Don't allow yourself to be distracted from living your life. The only things you're guaranteed to take away from this life are your last meal and the memories.

  4. That is just blasphemy the scene where the man cured from Blindness interrogated by the Jewish authorities say this work can not be from God is just madness. That’s why Nicodemus is my favorite of the Jewish Authorities. Because he Actually believe in Jesus Christ and his miracles and what he stood for. I would love to meet him.

  5. I will never leave Gods side. I admit as a Christian I have sinned many times. I’m not proud of my sins. But I’m so glad and blessed that I have Jesus Christ as my friend. Jesus has been there for me throughout my whole entire life and watched out for me and I even felt his presence and it made me cry of joy. That’s not all I had several dreams about Heaven. They all appeared different. Throughout my life I’ve been blessed with very vivid dreams. I’m so proud and blessed everyday to have God and Jesus Christ in my life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🤣🤣🤣😇😇😇😇😇😇😇👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  6. GOD desires our hearts. When we give Him our hearts, He imparts His own righteousness on us. And our communion in prayer is a joy for Him and us, as He uses this time to fill us and renew us.
    JOHN 3:3
    Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
    ACTS 3:19 REPENT, and turn from your SINS, so your SINS may be FORGIVEN! 🙏✨
    ROMANS 10:9 Confess out loud JESUS is LORD believe in your Heart GOD raised HIM from the Dead and you will be SAVED!

  7. Who could fathom how thee End would come. As the days of Noah so it shall be! … once again Alpha and Omega was grieved. Id hoped Yahweh was my Abba! … there is but One Way One Truth One Life…

    Is believing alone enough! … Or are we to be perfect as Christ was and is Perfect. We dont choose pur parents. Were all products of our environment. I always say my walk wasnt all it shouldve been but surely it meant so much to me…

    Even before 2017. But in 2017 SOMETHING HAPPENED. and ive found not one to talk to about it. Perhaps i was deceived. Jesus said in Matthew Ch 24 in that day of the end of all things "Gods very own too would, IF, possible be deceived." (Capital "IF" mine) … Ive literally asked some if theyre angels since 2017 or satan doing EVERYTHING to keep me in bondage.

    Jehovahs Ways are so much Higher who could fathom but seems even an addict who thinks of and longs amd of course believes wouldnt be forgotten. Id NEVER EVER RECOMMEND ANYONE WHO FEELS YHWH IS ASKING THEM TO SURRENDER ANYTHING NOT TO GIVE IT ALL 'THEYVE' GOT…

    im crushed desolate heart is broken… maybe i watched Gospel of John too many times and in a sense romanticised Yeshua… i tell you this in my humble opinion anyhow that this covid19 was not 'just' some pandemic and all the masks nations and their administrations wore and we were instructed to as well were NOT simply about preventing spread! … more like covering up inapproprite untoward expressions and so forth. NO WAY OTHERS DIDNT SEE AND DISCERN SOMETHING MORE TO IT! … oh soo much could be said but eh whats the point… ONLY One i care to hear and hear from is Jehovah Yeshua. Ive NEVER not trusted like i do now what i see and hear…and believe me if youd like bc i speak truth i always like to try see good in ppl and while imperfect i am i really do love and want good for all!!

    Im beyond heartbroken. All things considered while im a sinner and imperfect i believed and could never tell a soul what ive seen experienced survived and more as theyd NEVER believe me and it would be whole truth and nothing but so help me Jehovah. (Lest was misguided) Though 1 im beginning to …NO ive bee wondering if theres truly anyone left or children of God left to talk with (PERHAPS THATS PRECISELY WHY NO ONE SEEMS TO HEAR OR SEE my pain and others and number 2… whose to say i MYSELF wasnt simply one who was always meant to be deceived anyhow. Anyone can wear a cross around their neck attend organized church systems Sun Sun night Wed evening… true sabbath is sabado (saturday in espanol) …buy hey we cant help how we were raised or what we learned a lil too late. Idont have the answers and maybe taught wrobg but id subscribed to even those who believed in His Name too would be saved bc those are Christs Words. "As the Deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after thee." —- maybe just not enough idk.

    Suffering so thirsty to speak to Christian like person who loves and leaves Jehovah to judge… everytime ive tried amd hoped id perhaps found one i end up more confused a nd crushed broken confused isolated and so take inventory and things besides just my heart tho ILL ALWAYS BELIEVE HEARTS DESIRES IS MOST IMPORTANT but i smoke and tried and tried and tried to quit smoking and drinking and to no avail. Through away whole cartons smokes and more … oh Lord forgive the broken ones please. Some of us have been taught so differently. Love one another forgive others lest youll not be… but what IF unless we overcome all as christ did when satan tempted Him well never make it?

    But im not the Lord. Im weak. I try. BUt maybe or all i can come up with is seek Him while He can be found and maybe He cany anymore. Tho i def thought i had appare tly sl.eth I ng k faile dat
    .sorry typos

    Ironically im sitting on a park bench a red one with the name "Gogue" on it… theres a plaque on ground saying its in honor "of the family of Albert and Mahala Gogue" …and i believe lastly if making it out correctly it says "Harco, Illinois"

    This may not be hell fire and brimstone but oh its enough hell isolatuon desolation for me…and AS HARD AS TRIED NO ONE SEEMS TO HEAR ME. Id hoped Yeshua had but i keep having the worst things happen that make me think He sees me as the whore riding the beast.

    I am sorry
    And disnt do or know enough or even do with what i did know enough but i did love and still am a sucker for crocodile tears.

    All i wanna say is if it be His Perfect Will i plead MERCY on all others who like me are imperfect but do believe and underneath ALL the pain torment and no one seemong to hear or even understand their brokeness that the Lord have MERCY on those people. Again IF be His Will as His Ways are so much higher than our silly selves.

    Oh Im sooo broken Lord have mercy on the truly broken ones … qe may not get it all right but we do have desires i feel would be pleasing to You IF only we too could "just touch the hem of Your garment."

    If im to be left in hell or even in this state hellish enough please help me understand.


    but is it possibly the Father never gave me to the Son?!

    The way my life turned out i could really see why but again im just a silly woman.


    Was i deceived!!??

    I cant even ask questions or pray which my prayer mostly is just talking to You and admittedly not enough…but anyway i was saying seems imposs. to pray bc attacks are soo bad…

    Whay does that mean!?

    Rambled ebough and enemy is everywhere in my opinion in this hour so i should just never talk or write.

    Oh i miss so much and ohh …well Ypu already k ow what Id say so ill refrain.

    Thank You Abba and Son no matter what my outcome.


  8. I am crying 😢, I am annoyed and ashamed with the terrible behaviors and actions of human beings against the Lord, I hate the devil, I am humbled, I am blessed, I love my savior king of Gods kingdom and I am very grateful to Almighty God our Father in Heaven’s, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! 🙏♥️

  9. isaiah 43;10-11 THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD AND ONE SAVIOUR ,HIS NAME IS I AM , ALPHA AND OMEGA ,YESUAH in short its Jesus…GOD IS ALMIGHTY ,manifested into 3 characters or witnesses..these 3 are 1…FATHER ,SON ,HOLY SPIRIT

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