Tech Bros Invented Trains And It Broke Me


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Yes, I am aware it’s not an ICE-L, but a Westbahn IC Flirt. I couldn’t find a drawing of the former. Don’t @ me.

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Date: June 19, 2024

31 thoughts on “Tech Bros Invented Trains And It Broke Me

  1. To make trains better, you just invest into the infrastructure and systems that support the trains, while also investing in innovation in normal train design. So, y’know, the Shinkansen. This is just grifting.

  2. The pod idea isn’t that bad for the us considering the main reason individuals hate public transit is bc of the crackheads and fent zombies that r always on the trains doing some freaky stuff and endangering everyone. Having pods that hold like 4 people can hold a family and no one more so u don’t have to deal with the crackheads. Pods should be able to link together I think it’s stupid that they dont

  3. Would it be possible to make it work? Yeah, absolutely.

    Would it also require way more money, resources, time, effort, expertise and space than necessary all for simply going a bit faster and a lot more dangerously with 12 people instead of 1200? Yeah, absolutely

  4. Everyone's just trying to mimic Musk's ultra-low IQ these days. They forget he had daddy's gold mine to debt-finance his crap businesses, you can't just rely on crap ideas alone.

  5. There are use cases for cars, smaller busses, planes of many speeds and sizes, and obviously high speed railbusses too(basically this shit) and that use case ISN'T being a more efficient train.

    I happen to study this kind of smaller demand + low response time logistics, for the purpose of dedicated medicine distribution. If people want fast, and few, and planes are not an option for whatever reason(prohibited for CO2 emissions, sactioned from supply etc)… yeah, the answer is a lightning fast railbus or train[if there is enough demand!!].

    The more stupid and thoughless the reasons for taking economic freedom away, the more idiotic the engineering will become. Happened EVERY SINGLE TIME before, and We are seing it firsthand 😅

  6. it basically comes down to you can go buy a bugatti but if your driving through a city centre with a 30 limit in heavy traffic doing 5mph its really no better than that 2002 skoda with 100k miles behind it sure it looks better and is technically better in every way but you aint using it to its capacity so what's the point in having it.

  7. Line 3 of São Paulo Metro system moves more than 400 million passenger per year moving on an average speed of 32 Km/h. How they do that? With 52 big trains that can fit 280 tons of passengers (around 3.8k passengers) going every 3 minutes in each station. It's not about speed, it's about how many people you can take from one point to the other. Imagine do that with "Pods". The average speed of the line used to be a little lower, as 28 Km/h, they moved to modern trains that could operate in higher speed, this made the service better, but almost ineffective on the capacity of the line 3

  8. One of the big strengths of standard rail is how FORGIVING it is. Track subsiding? Lift it up with a forklift and dump more gravel under it. Did the nails holding the track down pop out? Send a couple guys out to smack in some new ones. Need to replace a length of track? Melt out the old one, melt in a new one. Introducing more speed and precision removes those advantages, and if you do so without making the train way more efficient, then you're wasting money and effort.

  9. Oh, someone had an a*spain, so made up most of the "claims" Nevomo never did, LOL.
    They don't claim they want 550 km/h freight. They say MagRail cargo 150-200 km/h will be OK (today the fastest cargo cars are designed for max. 140 km/h). MagRail is primarily not about speed, but about less energy and silent movement (most of noise today is generated by suspended electric traction and current collectors / pantographs) without building separate railway rout (which is at least very problematic in highly urbanized areas with high share of private areas).
    But the best solution would be constructing a brand new HSL with geometry meant for 400+ km/h traffic, shared by both classic HST and magnetic trains. HST for international trains (because there's no other continental scale standard as ETCS).
    I know there's a huge classic rail lobby, but we don't need to be forcibly down-scaled by it every time and everywhere.

  10. But having as much equipment as possible in the track instead of in the train to save weight on the train is a good idea. It’s not their idea, it has been around for way longer, but it isn’t a bad one

  11. I see you havent mentioned the absalout shit show that is the british railway system were we have only two high speed rail tracks where both go to the same destination XD. yes its not rerly realated to the topic but since u were dunking on the Americans I thoght England might get a mention XD

  12. True. Unless we plan on building a massive super speed subway system connecting major cities, there's no reason to develop such trains. And I'd love something like that to happen and I can't deny that high speed train is a fun idea to toy with theoretically. But actually wasting money on a research of something that ignores a ton of massive problems is really something else…

  13. and there's some other obstacle too: Humans and… ANIMALS. Imagine Bambi switching sides and not realizing it's soon getting obliterated by a 550 kph vehicle. while Bambies non disintegrated pieces fly like shrapnells through the place. Lovely.

  14. I mean, as long as they only scam other tech bros I have no problem with it. Who knows, maybe they find out something that can be used if some real engineers get to work on the idea. Its not really a problem, much like those … uh e-pictures you can buy. It only harms silly people.

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