Quantum Tunneling At Home


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I show you a great analog of quantum tunneling that you can do at home

See the full video here: https://youtu.be/kvSlaIwUCuk

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Date: June 18, 2024

42 thoughts on “Quantum Tunneling At Home

  1. Even though atoms are "physically" 99% empty space, the electrons form a "fuzzy" dense magnetic barrier around it. So even though it's technically a non-zero chance… it basically is, because the math only works for the particle aspect of it, not the wave aspect.

  2. Everything "quantum" just sounds like glitches in the matrix. Like if something goes fast enough, collision detection doesn't tick until after the object is already through

  3. How is that not just simply the angle of light? The water reflects light at an angle and so does the glass. At a specific angle, you'll have the water and glass reflecting the light from your finger in a way that does not lead it to your eye. Basically mirroring it away from you. If you press your finger against the glass, it's not going to have the reflective properties of the glass and the water, only the water. So a single medium, the water, cannot reflect light in such a way that it doesn't make it's way to your eye. You need multiple mediums to do that.

  4. What if, it is not only quantum tunneling that effects the wave/particle function but a factor of both quantum tunneling, and energy refraction. Only a quatum amount of energy is able to pass through a "solid object", while the rest of the energy is redirected through the particle/wave that is going around said object, and converging back into its original waveform once the barrier is passed.

  5. The first part is correct. But that the finger becomes visible again has nothing to do with the tunneling effect. 
    But everything to do with refraction indexes.
    The refraction index between water -> glas -> air is different than in the case of water -> glas -> skin.

    If the air is removed the index changes so that the conditions for total reflection are no longer meet.

    This is an optical effect not one of quantum physics.

  6. What's really cool is when you actually do the maths and solve the Schrodinger equation for a particle in a well with a potential barrier and see that the amplitude of the wave function is non-zero on the other side of the barrier.

  7. This has nothing to do with quantum… it’s happening due to relative refraction index between glass and the layer of liquid (sweat) on your finger. In first case, light experience 100% internal reflection due to the angle at which rays attack the glass from inside. Whereas in 2nd case relative refraction index changes and you can see your finger.

    For the experiment, try wet hand and you’ll know.

    The explanation of the quantum is correct, but the experiment is nothing related to that.

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