Quantum Computing: The Future of Technology, with Michio Kaku and Joe Rogan


Join Joe Rogan and Michio Kaku as they explore the incredible capabilities of quantum computing. Quantum computers compute on atoms, making them the ultimate computers, capable of calculations far beyond anything we can currently achieve.

The aliens, if they exist, have likely already perfected quantum computing and have used it to navigate wormholes, breaking the Einstein barrier and traveling faster than the speed of light. In this podcast, we dive into the mind-bending possibilities of quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. Don’t miss out on this fascinating discussion!

#shorts #michiokaku #quantumphysics #quantumcomputing #astrophysics #sciencefacts #science #cosmos #aliens #wormholes #technology #joerogan

Date: June 19, 2024

41 thoughts on “Quantum Computing: The Future of Technology, with Michio Kaku and Joe Rogan

  1. Intellegant life kills itself, life is an equilibrium.
    Events that up set that equlibrium damage the device that suports the mind.
    History is replete with examples.
    Science is reductive, quantum ! Quantum understanding the disparity between science and animal drivers.!

  2. Quantum computers now in our technology proves no other life out there has better technology. People seem to miss the part that quantum computers will process formulas faster to equate the quantum field. If you have no idea what manipulating the quantum field is think cyborgs. Biological machines.

  3. You have to be the most naive scientist to say what he says. The fact that universe exists and we do exist as what we call intelligent form of life tells me it has been created and it's soo beyond our capability to comprehend that we think in a very small, narrow way as a humankind of it as something unlimited in size with no beginning and the only property of (I lack a word to describe whatever is beyond time and space). While, reality of it could be a multi-dimensional (something) waaaay beyond our understanding and ability to ever understand process happening or not happening which creates universes like ours.

  4. These people bullcrap too much. I have an engineering degree, and within normal physics they haven't mastard that. In topics like vibrations and control you can come up with geometry or assemblies that will break their theoretical moron minds. It's engineering problems problems that make computers bog down. You still have to wait days or a day for an answer.

    They're doing problems like modeling the vibrational mechanics of a osprey with they wings that turn from vertical to horizontal to figure stresses on individual components.

    Quantum mechanics, aliens, and space are buzzwords for youtube people to sound smart.

  5. Your assuming atoms are the smallest thing you can work with. We don't fully understand gravity or space for that matter. We put place holders as names for things we have no idea why they are happening. (Dark energy / Dark Matter).

    I personally think the calculations are wrong with gravity and that explains Dark matter or there's tiny black holes we can't see all around.

    Dark Energy is another monster. Allowing the edge of the universe to expand 3x the speed of light.

    There's so many worlds of possibilities we can't say quantom is the greatest. You have quarks which are the things that make up protons and neutrons. Who to say we can't use those or go deeper.

  6. Claiming quantum computers are the ultimate computers feels naive. Our knowledge is always evolving, and future discoveries may surpass them. We don't know what we don't know.

  7. As a simpleton like myself. Say there are alien species outside our galaxy or even in or galaxy. Why does that mean they have quantum computers as well? Why is it assumed that alien species should they be real are far beyond our technology? Honestly curious and just high asf typing shit 😅

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