Noam Chomsky – The Purpose of Education


Noam Chomsky discusses the purpose of education, impact of technology, whether education should be perceived as a cost or an investment and the value of standardised assessment.

Presented at the Learning Without Frontiers Conference – Jan 25th 2012- London (LWF 12)

Interviewed & directed by Graham Brown-Martin
Filmed & edited by Kevin Grant at wildtraxtv (

Date: June 18, 2024

39 thoughts on “Noam Chomsky – The Purpose of Education

  1. The Art of Éducation when of the philosophie say<> èduqued the brain we what èduqued the heart it is not education :<>mean you our her drow in the brain of the students with information and experience your experience and for me the education is Art and the purpose of education is to give human can dream can give science human can think human have vision about what he or she wont to do in future human he or her ho have good behaver this for me like forme me the ability and the power of education came frome the humaine he or her and the pruprose of education came frome the personne not frome the outher we have just introduced to the brain ho or her that living with vision it came idea and idea came pruprose in life may meaning that when they are baby in this belly of this mother spoke with him or her that listening with the good idea until he or her came to this world with vision in the future just and Allah blessed us all peace be upon us all.

  2. 😂 the Bible says ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth you need to realize that you're a sinner and you need to repent and receive Jesus as your savior Amen to that i pray 🙏

  3. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:52 📚 The purpose of education, rooted in enlightenment, is to encourage inquiry, creativity, and the pursuit of understanding, allowing learners to develop the ability to learn on their own.
    02:06 🧠 An opposing concept of education involves indoctrination, where individuals are expected to conform, follow orders, and not challenge existing frameworks, often driven by institutions.
    07:01 💻 Technological advancements, while significant, do not compare to the dramatic shifts in communication and other technologies in the past. Technology itself is neutral, and its value depends on the user's framework and purpose.
    11:08 🌐 Meaningful use of technology, such as the internet, requires a well-constructed conceptual apparatus to guide searches and evaluations.
    15:25 💡 A thriving educational system should encourage creative exploration, independence of thought, and the willingness to challenge accepted beliefs, contributing to cultural enrichment and progress.
    17:00 📝 Standardized tests can serve as useful tools for assessment and improvement but should not divert students from pursuing their interests and passions.
    20:09 🌱 Effective teaching should inspire students to discover on their own, challenge ideas, and work through past achievements that genuinely interest them, fostering the ability to learn independently.

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  4. Two comments I’m questioning. One he states that developing creativity, inquiry, and analysis is not the same as having the skill and knowledge to increase the GDP. Second, he states that you cannot hope to increase economic productivity without the former.

    I agree with his second comment. But, it seems to me that the question remains in what way can you contribute to your economy? Is GDP not a measure of this, and doesn’t education have a role to play in this endeavour?

  5. Education is for incorporate in are capital Sistem in the world 🌎 something be something make contributions for making better are planet and society .. but no every one can't have poor people having education is privilege so take but and can't do…. Some can't because the lQ.

  6. The purpose of education? For who? For the teacher, or for the student? A distinction must be made, of course, simply because the priorities and purposes of education between student and teacher can often be vastly different. For the most part, in this day and age, the average teacher is selling himself and his personal philosophies and opinions far more than he or she is actually teaching the subject matter. Some teachers surely don't hide their agenda, because they scream to their students within inches of their head … "Your parents are stupid."
    The purpose of education from a Leftist perspective is to indoctrinate the public, and convince people that they can't think for themselves.

  7. President Biden white house 🏡💐🌷🍀🌱🍁 sometimes when the party says 2+2 = 5 however sometimes it says 1 + 1 = 1/ That was 1989 for the FED 1913 civilization / & 1917 soviet Union starting point ☯ 1+1 =1 // 1989 end of history for Washington & the soviet union 😥/ ,Civilization 2001 Dead of the Fed adventure & now 2024 was unavoidable since the party say's 1 + 1 = 1 / 😥

  8. I used to be a big proponent of education but now I look at humanity, the world, the nature of existence and realise that our lives are meaningless and education doesnt seem to change that. All education seems to do now is attempt to enhance technology to make our lives as bearable as possible. Ppl are now on more meds than ever, more lonely than ever, more anxious and depressed than ever, working more than ever, divorce higher than ever, and yet we are all more educated than ever. Theres a crisis of meaning, purpose and a sense of connection among ppl that education cant address. We have to ask what are we being educated for, what version of the future is worth striving for? AI? Travelling to the pits of the universe? We're at a crossroads now where we are all looking to something or someone that will make our educational endevours worth pursuing. Education has a toll, a psychological cost, what is the reward. If a 9-6 job, wife and kids and a mortgage is what we're being sold then education itself will find itself under threat.

  9. I think my main problem in school and in university was that I didn't have my own framework. And if be honest, I didn't know where to take it. Only by trial and error. But now at least I know English and can understand a lot more things.

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