Michael Richards on ‘Trauma’ of Learning His Birth Was the Result of Rape (Exclusive)


Michael Richards reflects on ‘trauma’ and 2006 racist rant in a new interview with ET. His memoir, ‘Entrances and Exits,’is out now.

Date: June 17, 2024

44 thoughts on “Michael Richards on ‘Trauma’ of Learning His Birth Was the Result of Rape (Exclusive)

  1. Maybe time to move on from show business The American public will forgive but wont forget. I love the show we all do but its time. Sometimes we really need to think before we say things that we dont mean and hurt one another. It could of been worse that night at the laugh factory. People could of gotten hurt and possible riot. This happens everyday with every race we have to stop and be good to one another. Live in Peace ✌

  2. I wish you well, Michael. When I am in the grips of trauma responses from my PTSD I watch ONLY Seinfeld DVDs. For years, only Seinfeld. No surprises. I know it's not the real you but you have had great steps on your path❤️

  3. He has taken classes. He has shown remorse. He has pondered in agony and in solitude. He has said he is sorry. He has brightened more people's days then you and I together. I despise racism but I love Michael Richards and they are not one in the same. Forgive lest ye be forgiven.

  4. Michael Richard’s club incident happened almost 20 years ago. Let it go already. How can any reasonable person even give a sh*t? If anyone still hates Michael Richards over this, it’s their problem. He’s not defined by one incident but instead by his body of work. Look around and you’ll find there are a lot of entertainers that have done far worse things to other people than to just call them names on a stage.

  5. So, were all in agreement that he deserves forgiveness? I agree too. It's clear this man was hurting, and he simply reacted. I don't condone his actions, but I believe it's time to move on. It happened. It's sad that he thought he wasn't good enough. I hope he knows he has millions of fans. I feel like this is the real Michael Richards. The one we got to know on TV every week.

  6. Michael needs to forgive himself… That's probably the hardest part of repenting.. To finally realize we are human and make some dumb mistakes.

    He's one of the funniest comedians and the only reason I started watching Seinfeld to begin with.

    There are numbers of people that are the product of rape, but that doesn't diminish our value as a human being. God doesn't make junk.

    I wish the babies of rape would realize the perpetrator made the mistake.. Not the mother or the baby. No shame. All babies are beautiful and have great worth,

    I'm going to buy his book.

    Very impressed he did so much personal working on himself.

  7. Please. We all need to accept this man and forgive him if we hadn't already. He has been beating himself up for 18 years about that one mistake. You can tell he's done deep soul searching and spiritual work. That to me is really admirable. He seems extremely genuine here and I couldn't be happier that he finally has the courage to get back out there again.

  8. You know it took two people to make this happen, the guy heckler (what is his story why would he do that), and then Michael going off on him and it got out of control. Two wrongs don't make a right. Michael has done his work, and still has to carry on with it. But he needs to let go let God help to heal him. You're going to have to unpack that baggage one day, and breath relief from carrying it so long. Gods speed Michael you can over come this personal burden.

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