Meghan McCain Says Jennifer Lopez Was DEEPLY Unpleasant at The View


Meghan McCain says Jennifer Lopez was a ‘deeply unpleasant’ guest on ‘The View,’ while speaking on alleged drama with the singer on her ‘Citizen McCain’ podcast. The former co-host of the daytime talk show goes on to call out the size of J.Lo’s entourage, which she claims was bigger than Kim Kardashian’s.

Date: June 19, 2024

26 thoughts on “Meghan McCain Says Jennifer Lopez Was DEEPLY Unpleasant at The View

  1. Only unpleasant is Meagan her Colleagues on that table hated her , and so does the GOP … She considers herself “conservative” but she flips democrat and republican every 2 seconds of the day she’s untrustworthy

  2. She’s awful esp if you don’t agree with her politics. Jlo thinks anyone who don’t want illegals over to take care of are racist lol we are so sick of hearing oh your racist if you don’t agree with me ummm I couldn’t careless what she thinks. What’s funny is she can’t keep a man and it’s always the man’s fault

  3. Funny ARod her team was ok making JLo look like she was cheated on but not JLo entertaining emails with her ex fiancé Ben. But her team were okay ARod getting trashed !

  4. She said she feels bad about people bashing Jennifer Lopez, and then she IMMEDIATELY bashes Jennifer Lopez. At any point, do you think Meghan McCain will become self-aware?

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