Kevin Spacey IN TEARS Over Going Broke


Kevin Spacey gets emotional about going broke and his house being in foreclosure on ‘Piers Morgan Uncensored,’ streaming on YouTube. The embattled Oscar winner also reacts to Elton John’s support during his sexual assault trial in 2023.

Date: June 19, 2024

36 thoughts on “Kevin Spacey IN TEARS Over Going Broke

  1. After seeing the documentary against him and seeing Kevins side (also people that have tried being unbias towards the documentary) I gotta say….dudes innocent and it's actually kind of weird what they did to him.
    Also Kevin worked his ass off for his things and his house, for him to loos his house over untrue sexual allegations….pretty fucked up

  2. He'll get cast into another blockbuster and land on his feet again. Or maybe try doing a parody of his situation. Laughter is the best medicine and self deprecating humour will draw an audience.

  3. People in the comments are acting like pain isn't justified if you have a certain net worth… Even if he's not "poor" he could still be upset over it all due to the fact that can't just get another acting gig, which not only pays the bills but gives him a creative outlet. It's so easy for artists to spiral when they don't get to do their passion. And he's spent the last 7 years having to live with himself after everything that happened – which, if he's guilty, is a deserved punishment. I think anyone in this situation would have a breakdown. Is he guilty? There are a lot of accusations… but the jury found him not guilty in both civil and criminal court. Apparently his team had substantial evidence to prove he wasn't even in the location where the SA's took place according to the victims. That could just be a matter of him having better lawyers than any of them. None of us can know the full truth. I'm not defending anything he might've done to cause the suffering of those potential victims. That's messed up and not okay. But okay, so where does the punishment end for him? When is it acceptable for him to enter back into society?

  4. hey folks who are attacking him. How would you like to be accused by someone who doesn't like you, and with zero evidence destroy your career and reputation because of "she says he says" being taken as evidence.

  5. listen I like Kevin Spacey for his craft, and I don't believe everything they've thrown against him, but wtf is this? Maybe you should've thought about the consequences of not being appropriate, of treating others beneath you?

  6. Why are we giving platforms to rich pedophiles so they can try and make up feel bad for them for having to move from their mansion into a small mansion? Be fr.

  7. why is everyone happy he went broke PROVING HIS INNOCENCE??? He was falsely accused, which was proven in a court of law AND ADMITTED BY THE ACCUSER, Anthony Rapp……and you're happy he went broke for being innocent? You ppl are sick. Seek mental help before it's too late.

  8. Just watched the Spacey Unmasked documentary, so it's hard to feel bad for Spacey, given his victimization of others. Yes, he had a rough childhood, but so did SO MANY of us. Not a defense.

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