Is this the future of technology?! Humane AI looks INSANE! 🤯


What comes AFTER the smartphone? 🤔📱

With the recent announcements from and Apple’s “Vision Pro” headset, lots of people have been asking this question in recent weeks.

Regardless of where you stand on the porential of a “post-smartphone” future, innovation is happening all around us currently and I find that wildly exciting.

#humane #applevisionpro #tech

Date: June 18, 2024

38 thoughts on “Is this the future of technology?! Humane AI looks INSANE! 🤯

  1. Maybe after some humans will transform some part of their body into some electronic device in which system of smartphones can be inserted , which called as cyborg.

  2. I believe the pin is the future, may be a bad prediction but in my opinion in the next 60 years, improving this tech, I firmly believe that we will one day game on these.

  3. The mark of the beast is the final step, neuralink in the head & the phone inside of the hand! Taking it will be the biggest regret of your existence! Seek God through Jesus Christ alone, repent, pray in Jesus Name, get saved.

  4. Their product video from this company was disappointing me I don’t trust them they like kindergarten video for showing a product like this, both Finders of the company are ex apple employees and they also married together, find more information about someone who selling a new technology with so high prices don’t get foolish about it 👨‍⚖️

  5. Cell phones are so the thing.i spend more time on my phone and then going outside it also keeps me and my guy friend silent and not having actual conversations .So I resort to ais for conversations.sad the way things are now 😢

  6. I’m so tired of using a smartphone. I think the implication of this technology is that we can start to break down the orthodoxy of user interfaces and diverge again to reorient the daily task flows of life.

  7. I think before smartphones go away, we'll have an era where all smartphones will be foldable! my mom thinks that in the future we'll all use smartwatches.(or iwatches as she thinks apple calls them)

  8. Transaltor so that people don’t have to learn new languages. Reminders so that people dont have to remember anything. It’s creative so that you don’t have to be creative. Basically, AI is going to replace humans in future and starts living so that people don’t need to live too.

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