Getting Pulled Over AGAIN. Dry Bar Comedy


If you thought one compilation about getting pulled over was enough, then we present you with an entirely new compilation of getting pulled over again! With clips from some of your favorite Dry Bar Comedy comedians this compilation is filled with hilarious stories of speeding tickets, traffic violations and getting pulled over by the police that are sure to have you laughing from start to finish.

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Comedians featured in this compilation include: Scott Wood, Andrew Kennedy, Karen Mills, Tommy Ryman, Andrew Hobbs, Jeff Allen, Mark Poolos, John Wesley Austin, Brandon Vestal, Collin Moulton, Bob Smiley, David Harris, Matthew Jenkins, Claude Stewart, Joe Bronzi, Maher Matta

If you enjoyed this Dry Bar Comedy compilation check out the links below for even more Dry Bar Comedy clips you might enjoy!

The First Getting Pulled Over Compilation

Online Dating Can Be Brutal

20 Minutes of Vegan Jokes

A little More Dry Bar

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#drybar #comedy #standup

Date: June 19, 2024

45 thoughts on “Getting Pulled Over AGAIN. Dry Bar Comedy

  1. I had one day when i was heading to pick my mother up for taking her to chemo i got pulled over by the same state trooper twice in two separate counties because my car was loud (due to the muffler having fallen off awhile ago) first time he pulled me over was on my way to pick up my mother and i let him know that was what i was doing being out at 5am in the morning. second time we had left her radiation and were heading down the highway to her chemo when i was pulled over and he came up to the window and said "you really do get around dont you" needless to say my mother busted out laughing and he let me go right then and there. was so hilarious.

  2. Andrew Kennedy…this is just too good an American understanding and using British comedy and going back and forth using American humour as well. How brilliant. More of him Drybar he is gold.❤ Straight from the start he has the audience in his pocket including me. That's rare for me.

  3. Many years ago when I was a young'n and in Drivers Ed, the speaker told us that the same people who make the police detectors also make the police radar. I don't know if that is still or was true.

  4. FYI: DUI checkpoints are unconstitutional. Any law abiding citizen will win in court.
    High cops: That's for real. I saw a recent video of a sheriff's dept. down south, doing a raid. Every one of em were tweaking on meth.

  5. 16:0116:06On my vacation I had just left the bar with my to go burger. Got in my car and intuition told me I'd get pulled over. Well besides having 3 cocktails in me, I had a half smoked joint in the ashtray. Oh oh.
    Sure enough half way back to my motel room….red light in rearview mirror. Quick move….I shoved the whole burger in my mouth, got out fast & assumed The Position against my car.
    Cop came up looking quizically at me and I said, "You got me officer. I'm guilty….driving with my mouth full."
    He just giggled and offered to escort me safely back to my motel. True story.

  6. 16 years old got pulled over in 1986 first time I ever talked to a police officer. Tennessee license at the time was just a card. I made a mistake at the DMV about my description…. which I was correcting. My little brother in the back seat yelled out …. "Is that the license that says you are black!??" I had alot of expalining to do

  7. A guy I used to work with one told me this tale… probably was just a joke he heard some standup tell, but funny anyway…… So this guy was speeding down the road, and gets pulled over. Cop says, "Alright buddy, let's see your pilot's license." Well, the guy WAS a pilot. Showed his pilot's license and the cop let him go.

  8. I got a radar detector. Not that I speed that much but they run radar so much I know that they are watching, so I don't take the shortcut. It's really irritating to have to drive to the stop sign wait then go to the spot where the light was green . So there's times I just take that green light and avoid the stop sign that's adding more distance to my trip.

  9. Brandon Vestal and Collin Moulton have the most creative approaches to the subject 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  10. “Do you know why I pulled you over?”
    “Why don’t you tell me first. Don’t want to accidentally incriminate myself and add to the charges.”

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