Entertainment Made By North Korea


Go to https://ground.news/paper to stay fully informed on what’s happening in North Korea and around the world. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access this month.

00:00 Welcome to the Show
02:07 Setting the Stage (1910-1945)
06:51 A Split Audience (1945-1950)
21:39 Lights, Camera, Ambush! (1950-1953)
36:26 Retcons (1953-1958)
57:45 Blockbuster (1958-1970)
01:25:46 Classics (1970-1980)
02:06:37 Studio Rivalries (1980-1990)
03:37:24 Poor Ticket Sales (1990-1994)
03:54:24 Flop (1994-2000)
04:26:29 Sharing the Spotlight (2000-2007)
04:51:52 Failing on Stage (2007~)
05:19:13 Curtain Call

For Sources/Recommended Channels/Further Reading/Links mentioned in the video/ Etc. please check the pinned comment.

Date: June 17, 2024

21 thoughts on “Entertainment Made By North Korea

  1. Go to https://ground.news/paper to stay fully informed on what’s happening in North Korea and around the world. Subscribe through my link for 40% off unlimited access this month.

    1. Addendum: I'm currently looking into ways to categorize and share all the movies/music/tv shows/channels I found during research. For now: if there's anything from this video you'd like to watch for yourself, leave a comment/send me an email, and I'll provide a link!

    2. Wanna listen to Funky's recording of "that" North Korean rock band at the end? Enjoy! https://youtu.be/Q05d_mX5hwU

    3. I may eventually released the full 9 hour version of the video. Bad news, it won't be for awhile. Good news, I promise it won't be behind a Patreon paywall or something. Maybe the subchannel. But….

    4….If you'd like to see the full Collision in Korea segment I had to cut for copyright issues, here you go: https://youtu.be/sFh5R9XwiiE

    5. Recommended channels/reading:
    StreeterSweeper's excellent video on the difficulties of studying North Korea: https://youtu.be/WdEL1m8PhYo (It's one of my favorite YouTube videos of all time, please check it out!)

    North Korea Uncovered https://www.youtube.com/@NorthKoreaUncovered

    DPRK Explained https://www.youtube.com/c/DPRKExplained

    Jacco Zwetsloot's wonderful thesis on NK comics, "North Korean Comics and their Visual Language in the Work of Ch’oe Hyŏk" https://t.co/fAB98iYYO6

    6. Additional Sources List/Recommended Reading/Accounts from the March can be found here: https://pastebin.com/7X2QJsc5

    7. Corrections/Notes
    – The Kim Il Sung "cameos" were actually performed by several actors, not Kim Il Sung himself. I phrased it REALLY badly in the video by comparing it to Stan Lee cameos, that's my bad.
    – Quite a few users have pointed out, I was 100% wrong about the Simba/Kimba White Lion comparison! If you'd like to learn more, YMS has a terrific video explaining the situation, (https://youtu.be/G5B1mIfQuo4)
    – In later seasons of Squirrel and Hedgehog, the real-world country comparisons become a lot more cut and dry. I should have talked a bit more about that.
    – The "Now You Realize This Means War" comic seems to be a fake. What a terrible, wonderful relief. (I'll credit the user who mentioned this once I get their approval!)
    – Thanks to @derbydali for pointing out that Shonen Mowgli Jungle Book and Robin Hood were produced in Japan, and only distributed by MondoTV.
    – @hogziller pointed out that the train game was a minigame Uriminzokkiri apparently took from Railroad Tycoon 3.
    – Some people have pointed out that in the 2000s, Squirrel and Hedgehog really began leaning heavily into more obvious parallels (the wolves are America, bears are Russia, etc.) and I think that's true, but I maintain that in the 70s and 80s, the characters were more representations of general ideas and not specific countries. Just my opinion though!

    If I missed something, please let me know and I'll add it to the list!

  2. japan before the world wars:.. being an adult means you are able to eat cake everyday and not be nagged by your parents… come next week for the next enlightenment of the sunrise kingdom
    japan during world wars: [Censored]
    japan after world wars: YOO WANT TO WATCH ANIME?

  3. The cult of personality around Mao and Kim were both results of the imperial dynasties. The emperor was thought to be godly and sent from heaven and divine. Rigid societal norms disguised as moral righteousness. The same way the US justifies bombing and killing people abroad on a daily basis for democracy and freedom, but in reality only for its self interest. Because the US is certainly very tolerant of Saudi Arabia and Israeli apartheid.

  4. This was such a good video that I watched it in 1x speed. And considering I watch most 10 minute videos on 2x speed, that is a huge compliment🤭

  5. "Lets end private ownership…" isn't what socialism is lol.

    The red scare really fucked Americans up. They literally do not understand that socialism and communism are not the same thing.

  6. Hi Paper Will! You might not see this and that's okay but I wanted to tell you in the slim chance you might see that you are one of the best creators on the platforms. I'm not a expert in anything you do but I can see how much work you put into it. I'm obsessed with your editing style, your audio is spot on and you're crazy engaging. The first ever video of yours I watched was your "Ugly Side of Kids TV' and since then I've watched all of your videos at least twice. (This might be my?? 4th or 5th rewatched of this video specifically?) I admire how passionate you are about whatever you're talking about and probably my favorite trait of your channel specifically is your empathy. You are so openminded and accepting of everything (within reason) and that's so,, admirable. You do nothing but praise people for their inventiveness and you genuinely care. Nothing is a statistic to you and nothing is just words on a paper for you and I love that. You are so comforting as a creator and you deserve every bit of support you get. I try to share your channel with people as much as I can because you're probably my favorite creator,,, really ever. Your charming and your bits make me smile even if I've seen them a million times. I don't want to sound parasocial in this message or anything or even try get any acknowledgement. I just want you to know that you're such a great creator and someone who I feel I could truly trust with a platform. Thank you for making such amazing content and being such a comfort creator.

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