Dear Apple – The iPad needs help.


My full review of the iPad Pro M4 – fingers crossed Apple sees this 🤞 Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code BOSS for an extra 4 months free at

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Date: June 20, 2024

46 thoughts on “Dear Apple – The iPad needs help.

  1. It's great hardware, but it's iPadOS… The M1 iPad 12.9" which is already complete overkill can be had for 1/3 of the price of the M4. You can literally buy a MacBook Pro M1 and a 12.9" iPad M1 and have money left over for a weekend away somewhere – that's what I'm doing 🙂

    Which games are good on iPad? – I tried Ghensin and it felt a bit cartoony, Diablo felt like they constantly wanted money from me.

  2. all everyone's begging for is BASIC functionalities on how an OS should and is expected to work! it truly be for pros if it's constantly getting in the way of you performing the task you want to perform in cumbersome ways arbitrarily. such a disappointment that all they addressed from this video was a freaking calculator app after WWDC

  3. iam using a 2018 MacBook Air its the only apple device I own I got it on my birthday and I honestly never needed an upgrade because I just use it when iam traveling because its thin and has good battery life

  4. I got an ipad9 for uni and tbh I ended up buying a MacBook Air after a couple months. It was just clunky and convoluted, and the best way to word it is that it feels like it wasn’t designed to be used in a “laptop” type of way at all.

  5. The iPad 9 is just fine. Almost no one needs anything else.
    Also, WHY would you want a keyboard on a tablet? Then what you wanted was a laptop, not a tablet.

  6. I'll sum up most of this video:

    iOS is a mobile OS, so stuff you normally do on a computer either won't work or won't work right.

    I'm still trying to figure out why people are trying to use iPads instead of full blown MacBook/laptop. It just won't work right with computer stuff. /:

  7. That mouse and keyboard issues, 100% intentional, a company of size of Apple that takes everything into consideration forgot or couldn't make 3rd party keyboard and mouses work? Yeah, they did that shit on purpose to get more money, scummiest company out there, makes Nvidia look good.

  8. I think you are really honest with how apple is sneakily working with their products. The fact that they want you to buy all their stuff in order to work properly is really disappointing and unhandy.

  9. all the questions i have been itching to ask!

    iPad Pro needs a way to run macos as a fallback (eg virtual or even better just the ability to switch the frontends when needed).

  10. To be fair, I feel like half your complaints were about Google not following iOS/iPad design guidelines when they make their apps. lol

    That said, I'm in the same boat of wishing my iPad could be my laptop replacement but we just aren't there yet software wise. I'm willing to learn new workflows for a lot of things. That's to be expected anytime you make a major move including Windows to Mac or vice versa…but there are just some things iPad needs to be allowed to do that is doesn't right now.

  11. This is the stuff that's important. One day reviews or initial impressions don't always relay daily usage. This does.

    So many simple things that should work, don't. Typical Apple.

  12. I have an iPad, and Mac, all those things are truth and very annoying indeed. Even though you spent over €1000 on it, still has loads of issues that shouldn’t have

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