Catching The Black Widow Full Movie | Crime Movies | True Crime Movies | The Midnight Screening


The courageous story of a tenacious New Zealand woman who would stop at nothing in seeking justice for her brother’s murder. Based on a True Story – Lee-Anne Cartier received the devastating news that her brother Philip had taken his own life. After Philip’s Widow, Helen shows Lee-Anne Philip’s suicide note, she realises that the signature at the bottom of the note was not her brother’s…

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Take your seats Ladies and Gents for The Midnight Screening, the best free movies YouTube channel for fans of Sci-Fi movies, Romance movies, action movies, thriller movies, adventure movies and every movie genre inbetween. All full english movies and 100% free to watch!

Enjoy (and feel free to crunch your popcorn as loud as you like)

Date: June 20, 2024

36 thoughts on “Catching The Black Widow Full Movie | Crime Movies | True Crime Movies | The Midnight Screening

  1. This is very hard to watch due to the hard to understand accent. So, don't be surprised and it isn't your fault if you don't understand it. 😊

  2. Wwhat a trooper you are lee ann,,to do what you done to get justice for your brother,,,that helen one got her come uppence,,,,your family must be very proud of you lee ann,,,,brilliant true movie,,,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉❤❤❤ bless you and those that helped you,,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jos

  3. I can’t imagine mine life without my big brother he’s 10 years older than me he’s always there for me, my sister and my mom especially when our parents divorced when I was a kid! This movie made me cry so sad 😭😭😭 I feel bad for his sister she trusted her sister in law she probably was cheating on him with the another guy the whole time! His sister shouldn’t trust her she’s probably poisoning her too! How can she act like she loved her husband at the funeral when she knows what she did to him? She’s fake crying it’s not real tears

  4. Helen’s crying is irritating. Pretending that she is distraught she over doing it. “Thank you for the miracle of you”? Helen clearly sees herself as something of a miracle’. She constantly uses her medical issues to play the victim. What an evil woman. Hope she rots in prison.

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