Best Action Movie Of All Times- Hollywood Action Full Movie HD

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Date: June 18, 2024

20 thoughts on “Best Action Movie Of All Times- Hollywood Action Full Movie HD

  1. I’d not seen this but stuck in hospital and getting bored with Netflix so gonna watch this, judging from the reviews I’ve seen here it’s worth watching

  2. Worst movie… All casting are like timber… obviously, the director didnt even got what it takes to directing action movie… They really wasting money doing all these crap… I think the director are good in comedy drama romantic silent genre & it would be more worth than this crap movie…

  3. Garbage movie. Typical action bullcrap. Having chances to kill but not taking them.
    What a joke.
    Luckily it's not based off of a true story it's pure fiction.
    Action movies need to get better and not so predictable.
    2/10 for me.

  4. #40:00
    Is a shipping container soundproof?

    Shipping containers are not soundproof. They are made of a thin layer of light corrugated sheet metal, which has very little mass for blocking noise and will resonate (vibrate) allowing sound to pass through very easily. This means that shipping containers are not designed to provide adequate sound insulation, and they can be quite noisy.

    Typical action movie misconceptions as always stating things which are lies.
    Sigh, why can't action movies be honest? It's the least us as a viewer deserves.

    The average person will believe such nonsense because they're unable to use their own brains adequately.
    This goes for most things people hear on the TV, radio and what they read in the newspapers and magazines.

    Always verify, that beautiful brain inside your head is the most powerful thing a person has but you choose not to use it.
    How embarrassing the human race is currently leading us all to extinction because you just won't use the brain inside your head for good.
    Evil rules you and you haven't got a clue.

    Silly sheeple. You've all got us into this mess we're currently in right now in the world believing the stupidest things the media tells you without question and without verification.

    It makes me sick how stupid people don't know they're stupid because they choose not to use their brains for the good of humanity.

    9/11 America dropped several buildings on to their own people (obvious controlled demolitions as the buildings fell into their own footprint), Larry insured it literally weeks beforehand. This is what woke me up, the obviousness of what actually happened. An excuse to invade the middle east and American idiots lapped it up and went along with it. Sick stupid people. The ones who still believe it to this day are as good as the murderers who initiated it in the first place.

    You people aren't worth saving. I care about the betterment of humanity to live in a world where abundance, community and prosperity means more to me than war and taking orders from fraudulent 'powerful' people just because they have money so I choose to learn instead of falling in line.

    Knowledge is power, not money.

    You should try using your brain for once in your pathetic lives. Stupid sheeple.

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