American Highschoolers try British comfort food for the first time!


Today we give some American highschoolers their JOLLY first taste of some classic British foods! Check out our latest JOLLY merch at

Huge thanks to the staff and students at Downey High School for letting us film with them!

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Bettie Meier
Claim2Game (a.k.a isaiah gollan 20)
Florian Adamek
G. J Chua
Nora yousef
Vicky Bham
James Reyes
David Whitener
Li Winslow
Reilly Willoughby
Jim Harrington
Julian Leung
Yun Lim
Victor koh
Diana Woon
Laykan Dowdy
heather owen
Gloria Kwon

Date: June 19, 2024

20 thoughts on “American Highschoolers try British comfort food for the first time!

  1. Marmite is kinda good if you put the barest thinnest tiniest amount. It’s more like a seasoning than a spread. It’s supposed to be healthy 🤷🏻

  2. It's great seeing the kids actually trying foods that are outside their experience zones and outside their comfort zones. It was a surprise to see a couple of students actually like the marmite. It helps disprove the stereotype that Americans are picky neophobic eaters.

  3. Coming from a country that produces Hersheys "chocolate " which is disgusting stuff and white gravy with sausage meat in it!! I love beans on toast, and marmite!! Uk food is great!😊

  4. I moved from Canada to the UK (Wales) for three years and I loved how available lamb was. British bacon is much better than the bacon here. You can get a proper sausage in the UK. Chippies and a kebab. I liked the food.

  5. idk if its the same in the uk but the heinz beanz in the u.s. is so god damn expensive. I end up making my own cause what they are charging for a can of beans and tomato sauce is a scam.

  6. Why do all Americans scrape the fork with their teeth, it goes through me and considered bag manners over here and holding the fork so limply, we put worcestershire sauce on cheese on toast and I do understand why they do not like our food as the amount of sugar in American food since the fifties, will have changed their taste expectations. I am sure we British would have a similar reaction to your food and would be interesting to see a video about it.

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