After 50 You Just Stop Caring. Karen Morgan – Full Special


After 50 you just stop caring about the little things, and luckily Karen Morgan is 55 and over caring about the little things. Whether it’s having a wet shopping cart at target or taking your children to college, this full Dry Bar Comedy special is sure to keep you laughing from start to finish.

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Date: June 20, 2024

43 thoughts on “After 50 You Just Stop Caring. Karen Morgan – Full Special

  1. Love Karen Morgan's comedy! 😀 Born in the 60's, and a child growing up in the 70's, can totally relate. 🙂 And, as a 60 yr old woman- who also grew up with the S.A.D (Standard American Diet- of meat, dairy, eggs, cheese, bacon, lard, Scrapple, Spam, etc, etc. 😀 !)- I am happy to say that I- like her husband- decided to be a vegan (34 yrs ago and counting…)..and also, now from the Boston area. Hey, hope that you/Karen have had a change of heart, and have given those green smoothies another look! 😀 I'm 60 now, so don't give a blank if anyone isn't approving or not, of a plant-based diet! 😉 (Honestly, I care more about offending the dairy cows on factory farms, than I do about the human beings consuming them..!)

  2. I love Karen Morgan, and I wish she did more comedy. But I want to point out: (The woman from the Y who does not use a towel), the woman who is 85, she has a new level of "I don't care anymore," and we will all be there one day! Ha ha

  3. In event I was born


    In aging


    I wasn't affectionate , af fection ate ( aight ) with women & men

    I inglish as much as possible in a healthy way


    Woman sex with many men
    Man sex with many women
    Many women sex with man
    Many men sex with woman
    Many women & men sex with many women & men

    Women & men I's nervous pist , physic in violence , violent against women & men


    I nervous isn't inglishing with such women & men mytholgies

    Athiestians mytholgy Vatican urufat

    Hedistisns mytholgy vatican urufat

    Budistians mytholgy Vatican urufat

    Judustians mytholgy vstican urufat

    Jewish mytholgy vatican urufat

    Christians mytholgy vatican urufat

    Muslimians mytholgy vstican urufat

    Jeffery dommer mytholgy vatican urufat

  4. I love it That part about the walking group Absolutely true When you walking at 50 years old and you're a smoker and sharing your issues with everyone Your fellow walkers think you are huffing and puffing cos you're insulted and venting so nobody suggests one should maybe give up smoking at 50 😂

  5. Guys at work always say I’m “too blunt” when I express an opinion. I always say yes, I am, because I don’t care. Just giving you the facts, its not a tik toc video

  6. I've watched all the walking dead series. I am totally ready to take on walkers. Bought myself a machete! I'm 45, mom of 2 girls. They were so easy, glad I didn't have boys. They're gross.😂

  7. Im 51 amd I lie amd say im 42; because I remember when i was 42 and thats the way I feel. I took vitamins for the last. 25 years and used to jog in my 20s and 30s- I habe to think it paid off. Most days I can get a look or two from gals half my age and so thats how I feel safe in my little lie. Charles Bronson lied and said he was 10 uears younger his whole career and till he died and they were corrected in thinking he was said, 81- and was really 91! That's awesome! That means he was beating people up in his 70s in those DEATH WISH MOVIES😊😀😀

  8. I was thinking about the walking group, and what a good idea that was, then I realised I am in a walking group, we spend out time looking for golf balls which a few seconds before were close to our feet. Very similar big idea, slightly different execution.🤣

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