6 Problems with our School System


The traditional system of education was designed in the industrial age and is now outdated and ineffective. Learn about the 6 major problems with the system. At NEXT School, we are bringing a much needed upgrade to the education system to address these problems. We are India’s 1st Big Picture School. The highly innovative Big Picture Learning framework allows us to personalise each child’s educational journey making learning more engaging and relevant. Visit www.nextschool.org to know more.

Date: June 19, 2024

41 thoughts on “6 Problems with our School System

  1. Teachers & staff have favorites.

    One person messes up, everyone gets punished.

    Assignments every day, but only tests raise our grade.

    Forced to stay awake when it’s friggin 8 AM.

  2. The thing is is that in schools we earn lots of stuff. Stuff that we will barely or never use in the future. We learn complex math problems but in the real world we have to deal with many problems than solving math. Like how to deal with a Karen or taxes or money

  3. 4:40 This happens because people compete with each other. If you support each other instead of competition, nothing will happen.
    And they keep people like this because they don't try the other system because it accelerates development.

  4. as a retired teacher, the politicians who hold the purse strings dictate what and how and anyone who challenges that concept is given crap assignments; however, i worked in a school where the administrators trusted the training the teachers had and gave us opportunities. our students out-performed the county average. assignments were generic, but tailored to the individual's needs. our program was multi-disciplinary. our classrooms were project based. students were expected to apply the information. there was noise, movement, collaboration … and progress. if only everyone in education would revolt and go with what works.

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