12 Predictions for the Future of Technology | Vinod Khosla | TED


Techno-optimist Vinod Khosla believes in the world-changing power of “foolish ideas.” He offers 12 bold predictions for the future of technology — from preventative medicine to car-free cities to planes that get us from New York to London in 90 minutes — and shows why a world of abundance awaits.

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Date: June 18, 2024

37 thoughts on “12 Predictions for the Future of Technology | Vinod Khosla | TED

  1. 1. Most expertise will be near free

    2. Most labour will be free

    3. Computers will be more pervasive

    4. AI will play a large role in entertainment and design

    5. Internet access by bots/agents

    6. Medicine will go from sick care to proactive and personalized care

    7. New food and fertilizers

    8. Cars will not be there…

    9. Fly at 4000 mph

    10. Fusion power

    11. Resources will be plentiful (deep mining)

    12. Climate/carbon solved

  2. 1. Free AI expertise – Doctors, educations, engineers, oncologists
    2. Bipedal robots around doing tasks- freeing humans from monotonous works, with enough for all of us for redistribution of wealth/minimum basic income
    3. Computers will all around, Programming will be Human with machines adapting to humans way
    Computers as utility, running in background
    4. AI in Entertainment and Design- creativity reaching new highs
    5. Internet access via agents -bots facilitating and fending for users
    6. Precison AI driven individualistic Medicine/healthcare. Prediction early
    7. New food and fertilizers, green food, green meat
    8. No more cars in cities- instead personal on-demandrobotaxis, freeing streets
    9. Flying fast- mach5 travel
    10. Cleaner power – retrofitted coal and natural gas plants with Fusion and geothermal
    11. Plentiful resources harvesting with new technologies
    12. Lessening Carbon footprint by reusage, no more a big issue

  3. Regurgitating what Musk and Altman have been saying lately, but none of this is new. AI is not new and it is a slow revolution. Yes 25 years from now will look different from today, so what? It always does. The autonomous vehicles part may come true but most of the rest is hocus pocus. A free doctor 24×7 is just a chatbot that may give me some blabber, will I trust it? Only if the FDC can allow it to prescribe medicine directly which is unlikely to happen like ever.
    And where will we send those GM workers and Uber drivers? For them we have only empathy and no predictions.
    The unabashed showing of his Rabbit investment was a low in an otherwise unoriginal talk.

  4. Well.. yeah, the content itself is largely controversial, naturally it keeps on pushing buttons of any listener, so.. It's easy to miss the point, IMHO 🙂 , since what I took from this talk is that if policies support innovation with well constructed frameworks, seeding the culture of support, empathy and broader thinking instead of focusing on compromises all the time, that could help buying us a chance for a future yet hard for us to imagine (or at least it would reshape "purpuse" along the way). And the future is always is hard to imagine, retrospectively. :)p
    ( and yeah, I'm a policy guy, surprise ^^; )

  5. Instead of imaging possible futures, work towards making those positive possible futures happen. Immediately the presentation goes into "removing slave-like jobs"…in order for that to happen, we need to solve the problem of what those people will be doing. UBI is heavily resisted, there are no mass retraining of workers/employees for other fields, and these people need money in order to survive. Solve for that, and you open up more avenues for the future. Instead, being an optimist about the future is near delusional given the fact that we cannot even get countries to stick to/enact the changes necessary to prevent climate collapse. We're steadily jogging towards disaster pretending like all of our resources are unlimited.

  6. Except for the rabbit device whatever Khosla is talking about seems plausible to me:
    1. Trial runs of autonomous cars are allowed in 12 cities worldwide and swiss re already said they're safer than human drivers, it's reasonable to assume in 25 years they will get significantly better.
    2. Converting co2 and h2o to efuels is feasible at current prices of electricity, only problem is the massive infrastructure required for it which will soon be built.
    3. There are already successful tests of carbon neutral/negative cement and steel production, soon we will figure out how to scale those.
    4. Just look at the pace at which AI models and computing is scaling, you will understand why khosla is saying it will replace most experts within 25 years.
    5. Solar prices dropped 5 times and battery prices dropped 10 times from 2010 to 2020.
    5. Maybe we wont have widescale fusion by 2050 but solar, wind and geothermal will be enough to suffice 10 times our current energy needs.
    6. Just look at what bipedal (humanoid) robots are able to do today, they will definitely get good enough to replace all the mundane and repetitive tasks done by humans.
    7. With fossil fuels becoming obsolete, countries will become energy independent and inequality will reduce. Remember energy is everything.

  7. Summary:

    Vinod Khosla, a techno-optimist, believes that the future of technology holds vast potential for positive change, but it requires thinking beyond the limitations of past trends. He argues that experts tend to extrapolate from the past and miss out on improbable but impactful innovations. True progress, he believes, comes from entrepreneurs who dream big and are willing to pursue seemingly impossible goals.

    Khosla predicts a future where most expertise, including healthcare, education, and engineering, will be freely available thanks to AI. He envisions a world with abundant resources where robots take over many labor tasks, freeing humans from repetitive and potentially harmful jobs. He also predicts significant advancements in computing, entertainment, medicine, agriculture, transportation, and energy, including near-free programming, ubiquitous computers, AI-powered creativity, preventative healthcare, new protein sources, hyper-fast transit, and fusion power.

    He challenges the notion that resource limitations will hinder progress, pointing to the potential of developing technologies to access resources deeper underground and to create carbon-neutral solutions for various industries. He concludes by emphasizing the vital role of entrepreneurs in making these possibilities a reality.


    Think beyond the obvious: Don't be limited by past trends or conventional wisdom. Embrace the improbable and pursue bold ideas.

    Entrepreneurs are the driving force of innovation: They are the ones who dream big, challenge the status quo, and turn impossible ideas into reality.

    Technology has the potential to solve many of our world's problems: From providing universal healthcare and education to addressing climate change, technology can create a more abundant and equitable world.

    We need to be proactive in shaping the future: We need to actively encourage and support entrepreneurs and innovative thinkers to create a better future.

    Empathy is crucial alongside technological advancements: As we move toward a future shaped by technology, it's essential to ensure that everyone benefits and that vulnerable groups are protected.

  8. This world can be. A very skilled visionary. The type one would want as a friend if one is allowed to be very selective and can choose from the billions on this planet. This type of vision is so rare, another larger, meta, sort of insight. I am so happy I clicked on this. He's nudging us too with this presentation and I hope most will not equate beautiful world with "impossible world." We have the possibilities, why squander them just because we're not used to this abundance mindset. Big thanks to him and his awesome presentation. We need to believe things are possible before we can achieve them.

  9. No doubt we can achieve all of this in no time if and only if we evolve as society and stop the greed of money and power, them we can focus on universal income, robots replacing manual work, infinite expansion of technology, healthier world and humans, etc etc etc

  10. Vinod is trying to block the public's access to a beach because he bought the entire village a few years ago. He has spent billions and years in court fights for his "property rights". I don't think I want to hear a single words from this billionaire.

  11. Speech short version, "We'll do right by you. Trust us. When have corporations ever cast you aside? Of course we will let you live and not just dispose of the humans we don't need."

  12. You can predict more….AI should replace the judiciary…..the current system is imperfect, passive, not impartial and very much delayed. AI should transform it into a dynamic system which is impartial, active, and that delivers quickly.

    Next is population control or birth control. AI should guide the couples and young ladies to control and manage conception. Birth by choice and not by chance!!

  13. This disclaimer at the end completely destroyed the entire presentation! It’s like saying I’ll dream about all kinds of things and describe them in such general terms that I can always claim that I was right. Except I will not suggest a time frame so you couldn’t hold me accountable before I’m dead and gone 🤣

  14. He got a few right. He left out connecting humans to a collective consciousness, free education, public opinion polls in real time, entertainment, virtual reality and much more. The most important: limited privacy that MAKES CRIME IMPOSSIBLE. The reason criminals succeed is because they can hide from most of society. What happens when they can't?

  15. Yes, but when will Humans – if ever – stop being Ethinic Tribal and Religious-Assertive that causes conflicts, Violence amongst one another ?

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